



1.2 治疗方法 其中开放性骨折4 例为急诊手术, 其余13例因有肿胀和皮肤张力性水泡, 故先根据Lauge- Hansen 分型予以手法复位, 并行踝关节休息位石膏外固定, 尤其是后踝骨折片大于关节面1/ 4 者。这将有利于肿胀的消退和手术时的复位, 有条件的可做三维CT 重建踝关节以指导手术。全部病例均手术切开...


1、We all learn our language (when we were children).2、What does a small child do? (C. He imitates what others say.)3、What is the way to learn a language quickly? (A. To use it all the time.)

豌豆荚, 不支持的视频网站地址,请问是什么原因呢?手机是三星i9220 谢...

1、这种情况可能是豌豆荚或者网络的问题(豌豆荚卸载后重新安装尝试)2、将手机直接连接电脑把视频文件直接下载到手机:设定-无线和网络-USB应用-连接存储到电脑(在未连接的情况下点击)-连接USB数据现以使用大容量存储(此对话框不要点击取消)-连接USB线-手机会提示打打开USB存储设备-点击即可 3、视频...


很快的[翻译]- Soon / quickly 来了吗?[翻译]- are they coming?不一起吗[翻译]- come whit us 不打扰您了[翻译]- Do not bother you 蓝色装备[翻译]- Blue equipment 紫色装备[翻译]- Purple equipment 不是这个啊[翻译]- is not this one 我朋友都没有在线[翻译]- my friend doesn`...

英语作文Write at least 100 words about an event based?

Davos,the laugest mountain resort of Europe,offers unforgettable natural experiences and a broad yiyl over the agitatde life in the thriving center,will find peace and quiet at heart of nature in the wide Davos outdoors.翻译:杜沃斯-欧洲最高的阿尔卑斯度假胜地,提供了一个小镇的所有...


I am ready to give you a hand if you would like to take my aids. Besides, I am planning to see you this weekend;and if there is anything you need, just let me know. I can not help myself to see you and the baby.You should take more attention to yourself. Please ...
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