



同义词: humble | lowly | modest | small 8. no longer sufficientsupplies are low同义词: depleted 9. subdued or brought low in condition or statusbrought low同义词: broken | crushed | humbled | humiliated 10. low in spirits同义词: blue | depressed | dispirited | down(p) | downcast | ...


贱的反义词是:贵 贱拼音:jiàn 部首:贝 笔画:9 五笔:MGT 释义:1.价钱低:~价出售。2.地位低下:卑~。贫~。3.卑鄙;下贱:~货。~骨头。4.谦辞。称有关自己的:~躯。5.轻视;瞧不起:人皆~之。贵拼音:guì 部首:贝 笔画:9 五笔:KHGM 释义:1.价格高;价值大(跟“贱”...


Very abominable , have been in charge of whenever my thing being come by you? You have believed whom you are , had seen the lowly people, but have never have seen that the fault resembles your so lowly person , common dress is dressed up as really, that has also let it ...


Maybe everyone has one cannot forget, love again lowly, also refused to put the bite of the people. 65、以貌取人的太多,所以可能因为你长得不好看已经错过你的真爱了。 By too much, it may be because you're not good-looking already miss your love. 66、有时候,喜欢听歌不是因为歌唱的好听,而...


adj.lowerlowest adv.lowerlowest ———low1 [ləu]adj.1. 低的;矮的 2. 低洼的;凹陷的 3. 浅的;不深的;低于平均深度的 4. 低于一般高度的;低于一般水平的 5. (量、度、价值等)少的;低的 6. 近地的;近海地区的 7. 接近地平线的;低悬的;低垂的 8. 文化低的;地位...


No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed 再也不能把他们唤出九泉。 For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn, 熊熊的灶火不再为他们而燃烧, Or busy housewife ply her evening care; 主妇也不再为他们做晚饭。 No children run to lisp their sire’s return, 孩子们也不再迎接父亲的到...

酒吧常放的英文歌 男的说唱类的,中间有一句是什么 low low low low...

Low low low low lowly low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low 处于低谷 I'm at an all time 处于低谷 LOW 处于低谷 Yeah I'm at an all time 是的我一直处于低谷 Low low low low low low low low low low low low low low 处于低谷 Yeah that ...


贱的英语是base 1读音 base 英 [beɪs] 美 [bes]2释义 n. 基础;底部;垒 adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的 vt. 以…作基础 n. (Base)人名;(日)马濑(姓)3短语 base on 基于,以……为根据;在……基础上 production base 生产基地 on base [体]占垒 base in 基于 at base 本质上 ...

close closely 的区别

wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词)The kite flies high.(具体)They spoke highly of the brave young man.(抽象)He often dives deep into the sea.(具体) I'm deeply moved by the moving film.(抽象)close adj. 近的, 紧密的,...


He bowed lowly before the queen.他谦恭地给女王鞠了一躬。 6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他们挖得很深才挖到水。 You have offended him deeply.你冒犯他可不轻。 7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯紧紧地搂抱着保罗。 The passengers were packed tightly in the train.火车车箱里...
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