



尘世 WORLD EARTH 或者来个带点寓意的如 far from the madding crowd 远离尘嚣 是一本书的名字 the maddening crowd 可以寓意尘世,形象一点。心若尘 你要看你要表达什么意思了 如果是形容一种超脱的FEELING 可以用detachment 能力有限



Far from the Madding Crowd简介

远离尘嚣-基本资料 这部小说于1874年首次出版,立即畅销。故事发生在静谧的英国乡村田野上,农场里。当时,人们收获靠手工,车靠马拉,他们的生活伴随着季节的变化而起伏。当然,那安静的乡村世界早已成为过去,但是,那支配着人们生活的激情却丝毫未变。春去秋来,循环往复,爱却一如既往,猛烈地不可阻挡...


I've loathed the madding crowd since I was a boy While hills and mountains have filled me with joy.By mistake I sought mundane careers And got entrapped in them for thirty years.Birds in the cage would long for wooded hills;Fish in the pond would yearn for flowing rills.So...


图1、图3: 落难女子 Damsel (2018)图2: 远离尘嚣 Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)

rather be什么意思

rather be 意思是 宁愿,不如(和前面的”与其“一起用),例:Instead of going to a movie, I'd rather be at home listening to my favorite music.(我不要)去看电影,我宁愿在家里听我最喜欢的音乐。rather 和 rather be 用于表示与前述意思相反的意思。

On Grafton Street 歌词

Far from the madding crowd The buskers sing by candlelight In front of Bewley's store A young nun offers me a chair At a table by the door And I feel compelled to tell her Of the sisters that we knew How when they lit their candles I'd say a prayer for you It's ...

求格雷《墓地哀歌》全诗 钱钟书版

at the Muse's flame.Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;Along the cool sequester'd vale of life They kept the noiseless tenour of their way.Yet e'en these bones from insult to protect Some frail memorial still erected nigh,...


《The Old Man and the Sea》(老人与海),《Le Comte de Monte-Cristo》(基督山伯爵),《The adventures of Robinson Crusoe》(鲁冰逊漂流记),《Uncle Tom's Cabin》(汤姆叔叔的小屋),《The Catcher in the Rye》(麦田里的守望者)。1、《The Old Man and the Sea》(老人与海)《...


"Far from the Madding Crowd ," published in 1874 , is Hardy 's first successful full-length , but also his subsequent series of Wessex countryside in the background of the outstanding novels first . These novels include " Return of the Native " ( 1878 ) , " The Mayor of Casterbridge ...
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