



名词 Nonsense Blah Bullshit Raving Babbling Rubbish Blather Bosh Gammon Flimflam Poppycock Kibosh Tosh Blether Malarkey Tommyrot Guff Horseshit Bollocks Malarky Maunder 动词 Talk nonsense Drivel 叹词 Bosh Gammon Tosh Rats Fiddlestick Fiddlededee ...

求中文翻译:Giving, Receiving, and the Flow of Love

有时理解意味着我们所有的人都应该大公无私,给层出不穷,然后在将来,我们会得到一些对我们的行为。真是乱扯malarky ! 我不同意这种做某些事情,这样会有好事你未来的后代。有些事情需要先计划,是的,但我总是尽量选择做的事情,因为他们是正确的事,*现在*。所有灵性教导建成了。真的当下。如果你看一下...

wind 作动词,蜿蜒,英式音标、怎么写?请问

don't give me any of that jazzSynonym: malarkeymalarkyidle wordsjazznothingness7. a tendency or force that influences eventse.g. the winds of change8. air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressuree.g. trees bent under the fierce ...


4、Blom最喜欢的桌游是 Malarky 希望能帮到你,求采纳。
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