


英语作文我最喜爱的食物( 40~50)个单词就可以 五年级的简单些

英语作文:我最喜爱的食物。( 40~50个单词- 五年级的)。My favorite food is dumplings. They are delicious. My mother often makes dumplings with pork mince and chives. I like eating oil-fried dumplings as well. I can eat as mamy as I like. I don’t ...


seven tigers two mornings many animals an actress fifteen afternoons

劝告父母不要酒后驾车 用英语怎么说?

drunk driving is not only illegal but unsafe.


Ciel 西雅尔 天空之蓝 Cyan 赛安\诗安 青蓝色(蓝绿色)的含义 Esme 艾丝美 现在在美国似乎很流行 Ariel 爱莉儿 含义很多 什么羚羊(天王星的第一卫星,羚羊卫星) 上帝的母狮子 (汗) 空气精灵(这个还好)……Aria 爱丽亚 独奏 Enid 1.伊妮德……纯洁得毫无瑕庛 2.塞尔特人 纯洁...


学动画还是王氏教育更好一些。 选择教育机构的时候,首先要看他的培训主业是不是你要学的专业,你想让一个主营会计的培训机构教好你动画那是扯淡的。其次要看历年来这个培训机构的老师教学案例和学生作品,风格丰不丰富,实力够不够专业,学习保障模式够不够全面。有些没实力的小机构为了拉学生,靠忽悠...

歌词里有dream come ture的是哪首歌啊

never had a dream come ture 歌手:club 7 专辑:7 Everybody's got something they had to leave behind,One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time.There's no use lookin' back or wonderin',How it could be now or might have been Oh, this I know, but sti...


【GD】ma-ma -ma_ma_maMY beautiful girl 123 TO the4 sho one like you there ain'nobody can do them things youdo so ture i'm so excited delighted i won't deny it nor fight it baby you got what i need you got me jumpin-jumpin off my feet 【TOP】Baby that's no ...


Unit 5 1.我发现集邮是有用的。(find ath+adj)I find collecting stemps useful.2.这个周末将会有一部电影上演。(be on)A movie will be on this weekend.3.昨天晚上汤姆确实唱得很好。(all right)Tom's singing last night was all right.4.在我们的生活中我们经常会遇到很多不同的人...

芭蕾舞者 金希澈 罗马拼音 谁有?

nae mamye yeongwonhee nama nal kibbeukye haejwoyoHOOK:길)나를 위해 노래를 불러 줘 그녀에게 들리게nareul weehae noraereul bureo jwo keunyeo-yekye deurikye사랑도 (에헤~) 미련도 (에헤~) 다 가져 가라고sarangdo (yehye~) ...
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