





《The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen》(Syrie James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读 资源链接:链接:提取码: 96t0 书名:The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen 作者:Syrie James 出版社:Avon A 出版年份:November 6, 2007 页数:352 pages 内容简介:Hidden in an old chest in her brother's attic, ...


also by conservative party status taking the post of finance minister, until in 1929 the conservative party the disastrous defeat left the government in the election, unemployed ten year long time. This period he has published five volume this memoirs "World Crisis" (1923-1931), the...


The wartime poems, stories, and memoirs by womensometimes subtly, sometimes explicitly explore the political and economic revolution by which the First World War at least temporarily dispossessed male citizens of the primacy that had always been their birth right, while ...


Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in his memoirs, Yin Hui expressed the political attempts to Iraq's oil that the two wars (the Gulf War and the war in Iraq) is the two oil crises of the logic connection point. Energy for: The oil price speculation "political soil" Institute...

托拜厄斯·沃尔夫(Tobias Wolff)的生平介绍

Tobias Jonathan Ansell Wolff (born June 19, 1945, in Birmingham, Alabama) is a writer of fiction and nonfiction.He is best known for his short stories and his memoirs, although he has written two novels (most recently Old School).Wolff is the Ward W. and Priscilla B. Woods ...

达人帮忙 翻译成英文

又将是一年的开始 新年快乐 It is the beginning of a new year again. Happy New Year.过去的虽然早已烟消云散 但是 不经意间还是会想起以前的片段 The past has completely vanished like the cloud. But still, I will call to remamberance the old periods accidentally.今天 听到<夏天的...


My career as a detective also came to an end, and your memoirs can also be ending.那些追求物质、官位和世俗享受的人都延长了他们无价值的生命,而追求精神价值的人则不愿违背更高的召唤。结果是最不适者的生存,这样一来,世界岂不变成了污水池吗?The pursuit of material, the official position and ...


《Memoirs of Fanny Hill》(John Cleland)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读 资源链接:链接:提取码:4lra 书名:Memoirs of Fanny Hill 作者:John Cleland 出版社:General Books LLC 出版年份:2010-03-07 页数:136 作者简介:作者简介 约翰.克雷蓝 (John Cleland,1709-1789)英国人,因债务而关进...

memoirs of fanny hill这本小说主要讲了什么

乐趣的妇女的回忆录。更好地称为范妮·希尔。是 其中最臭名昭著的英国文学文本。由于最近 作为1963年的不适合未成年人的版本是国民的审判,但在 十八世纪洛恩克莱兰的开放性庆祝活动 享受最畅销的小说。范妮的故事,她落入卖淫,然后上升 尊重,采取的形式是生动的供词,色彩丰富和明确的生理细节,这让 ...
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