mental illness 英 [ ˈmentl ˈilnis ] 美 [ ˈmɛntl ˈɪlnɪs ]精神病 例句 1.Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。2.The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.外行不完全了解...
文章介绍的是这款药:Amazon.com: pH-D Feminine Health - Boric Acid Suppositories - Woman Owned Natural Alternative to Restore Vaginal Balance - Prevent Odor from Menstruation, Exercise, Intercourse & Menopause - 600 mg x 24 count: Health & Personal Care ↓↓因为不直邮中国,所以地址写...
你好,Swisse menopause balance建议在服用前请咨询医师,若发现身体不良反应立即停用。该产品中有黑升麻成分,黑升麻已与肝功能衰竭有关。两者就成分而言应该并无冲突。资料来自澳洲制造官网,最好还是去问问医生的建议。
Overweight and obesity increase the risks of developing cancer, even more if you have a lot of fatty tissues around your waists. An increase in weight raises the probability of having cancer in your colon and rectum, oesophagus, pancreas, kidneys and breasts even after menopause. ...
An increase in weight raises the probability of having cancer in your colon and rectum, oesophagus, pancreas, kidneys and breasts even after menopause. 8. Do some regular physical activities The famous 30 minutes daily walk must no longer remains as idle talks. You must make sure you have a...
更年期(Menopause) 更年期对女性来说,是指卵巢功能从旺盛状态逐渐衰退到完全消失的一个过渡时期,包括绝经和绝经前后的一段时间。更年期无论开始早晚、历时多久,总可分成绝经前期、绝经期(月经停止)和绝经后期(月经停止1年以后) 并以卵巢功能的逐渐衰退至完全消失为标志。更年期通常出现在45-55岁,或是在一段无规律的...
An executive should be experienced in administration.一个管理者应有行政管理的经验。二者大体上意思差不多,没有太严格的区别。双语例句:These tend to be more severe than symptoms experienced by women who reach menopause at a later age.以上这些症状要比后来绝经期妇女出现的症状严重的多。