And while I'm cooking, she is always circling around my feet, rubbing my legs, and mewing, seeming very anxious but happy.Every morning after I get up, I open the door of the sitting room to let her out. And then she'll happily mew at me, as if saying “Good morning”. Every e...
是喵的意思。例句如下:1、All right meow, where were we?好的,喵(现在),我们说到哪里了?2、I could have sworn you said "meow" 。我敢发誓,你说“喵”了。meow的单词变化:1、meow的第三人称单数: meows。2、meow的现在分词: meowing。3、meow过去式: meowed。4、meow的过去分词...