woman-women,foot-feet 1.6.2单复数形式相同,读音不变 例词:fish-fish,sleep-sleep,deer-deer 1.6.3其它形式:读音/maus/-/mais/ 例词:mouse-mice ②某国人变复数:2.1中国人:a Chinese→Chinese 2.2英国人:an Englishman→Englishma 2.3阿拉伯人:an Arab→Arabs ………...
MICE,即Meeting(会议)、Incentive(奖励旅游)、Conference(大型企业会议)、Exhibition(活动展览)的第一个字母大写组成,是会展的英文缩写。会展,从字面意义上可以解释成会议和展览,但由于在举办会展的过程中所涉及的其他活动,因此他的范围就扩大到奖励旅游及节事活动。MICE & Leisure一般是旅游或是...
答:楼主的一道=10道!比林的“一句顶一万句”差远了!看得出,这些题目是初中题。都很简单。第五句有争议,第七句语义不详:( )5 what are you doing on sunday?_we're going to__.a.shopping b.shop c. go shopping 答:BC 译:星期天你打算干什么?...
4.And then I followed it down the stair.接着,我追着它到了楼下。5.It moved quickly across the floor.它在地上跑的很快 6.And it jumped happily out of the door .它活跃地跳出了门外 7.Down the road with flying feet .脚底抹油似地逃向街上 8.And straight onto the ...
makes the heart grow fonder.小别胜新婚; 距离产生美; 久别情更深。7、When the cat is away, the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。8、No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。9、From saving comes having.富有来自节约。10、Experience is the mother of wisdom.实践出真知。
截止2019年6月,《猫和老鼠》共163集。《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)是米高梅电影公司于1939年制作的一部动画,该片由威廉·汉纳、约瑟夫·巴伯拉编写,弗雷德·昆比制作,首部剧集《甜蜜的家》于1940年2月10日在美国首播。《猫和老鼠》以闹剧为特色,描绘了一对水火不容的冤家:汤姆和杰瑞猫鼠之间的...
5. He was the sort of person you could 【】.6. I’m sure it will be an event that will 【transform】 my whole life.7. His name is Benjamin, but he is usually called Ben 【for short】.8. Pictures of the murderer(谋杀犯) were 【published】 in all the daily papers.9...
( )8. Robinson goes to meetings ___ my boss.A. for B. without C. instead of (代替) D. with ( )9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is ___.A. in the office B. at meetings C. out of the office D. out of work ( )10. The passage tells us ...