一个很简单的方法来记,3个“0”就是thousand 6个million 9个billion 12个trillion 所以是 57 million
1、by 【失业人数去年下降150万。】2、from 【去年从450万降至300万。】3、to 4、by 【今年已经降了50万,降至本月的250万。】5、to 6、by 【通货膨胀率在10年内升了4%,即从5%升至9%】7、from 8、to 9、from 【然而,2000年,它从9%降至7%。】10、to 注:下降(或上升)多少,...
7.In the past year , the number of internet addresses in china has more than quadrupled from 2 million to 9 million 中国已有广泛的管道进入美国市场,仔细阅读最近的贸易统计数字即可看出。8.To see a list of all internet addresses you have typed during this session , click the small...
14one child policy 独生子女政策15developing country发展中国家16 developed country 发达国家17数字的读法来试着总结一下: 1)三个数字为一组 2) 百位和十位之间用and连接(如果没有十位,百位和各位之间也用and连) 2)thousand (三位数前)million(六位数前)billion(九位数前)18cause;引起,导致=bring about19...
…)one hundred and thirty-eight 7.one point eight percentage eighty percentage eighteen percentage 8.fifteen thousand yuan fifty thousand yuan fifty million yuan 9.thirty point five degrees thirteen point five degrees thirty-five degrees (TIPS:不是不会,是没学过,抱歉了……)...
100,101,001,010,010 one hundred trillion,one hundred and one billion, one million,ten thousand and ten 246,975,033 two hundred forty six million,nine hundred seventy five thousand,and thirty three.5又5分之3 five and three of five 8又7分之1 eight and one of seven 9又4...
302500 划分成 30 2500 30个万:三十万 2500:两千五百 合起来是:三十万两千五百 中文将大数4位4位地划分,英文是3位。10^2 百 hundred 10^3 千 thousand 10^6 百万 million 10^9 十亿 billion 注意百位和十位(或个位)中间要加and;若百位为0,千位和十位(或个位)之间要加and;其次,...
Guangdong has established 9 enterprises and representative offices in Canada, with a total investment of US$ 1.92 million.9。令我感到自豪的是,加拿大在外资方面发挥了积极作用。这也是一个双向的过程,越来越多的广东企业在加拿大的投资和设立业务。截至2005年8月,广东省已在加拿大设立了9个企...
中文将大数4位4位地划分,英文是3位。10^2 百 hundred 10^3 千 thousand 10^6 百万 million 10^9 十亿 billion 10111划分成:10 111,然后分两部分读即可:10个千:ten thousand 111:注意百位和十位(或个位)中间要加and;若百位为0,千位和十位(或个位)之间要加and;其次,十位和个位...
1、one 2、two 3、three 4、four 5、five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9.nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty...