mime 与mimic的区别?
…还有模仿士也很强大 模仿士(ものまね士|Mime)必要职业等级:见习战士Lv8+道具士Lv8+风水士Lv5(4)+龙骑士Lv5(4)+话术士Lv5(4)+召唤士Lv5(4)基本能力: Move:4/Jump:4/C-EV:5 职业特性:格闘(Martial Arts)、精神统一Concentrate)、魔兽语(まじゅう语|Monster Talk)...
Great comic actor and director Charlie Chaplin was a famous English comic actor and film director of the silent film era. He became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin used mime [maim]( 哑剧), slapstick['sl?pstik](...
得加上元音字母aeiou-y Your search for * (excluding d f g h j k l o p q r s t u w y) matched 353 words in this word list Your search for * (excluding d f g h j k l o p q r s t u w) matched 452 words in this word list aa AA ab AB aba ABA abaca ...
mimes意思是:哑剧表演。双语例句:1、On an airplane, fellow passengers mimicked her every movement like mimes on a street.在飞机上,有乘客模拟她的每个动作—就像街头模拟表演。2、Hanks so scrupulously, heroically mimes the wasting wought by the disease.汉克斯咬紧牙关,一丝不苟地模仿...
一、词性不同 1、imitate是动词 2、simulate 既可作动词,亦可做形容词用。二、词义不同 1、imitate 模仿,仿效;仿造,仿制 2、simulate 模仿的;假装的;模仿;假装;冒充 三、所做句子成分不同 1、imitate在句中做谓语。2、simulate 在句中既可作谓语,也可做定语。例句:1、So the girls ...
Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. While they were by no means[1...