



bathroom mirror.水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。2、A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.他照了一下镜子,领带确实没有戴歪。3、She stared at herself in the mirror.她凝视着镜中的自己。4、The clear water mirrored the blue sky.清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。




2、The face is the mirror of the soul.脸是反映灵魂的镜子。3、He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out.出门前他对着镜子把自己审视了一番。4、The music of the time mirrored the feeling of optimism in the country.这个时期的音乐反映出这个国家的乐观精神。5、The mirror is ...

mirror masa(i think i am fallin for ya)想表达什么



双语例句:1、He saw in the mirror that someone was trying to attack him from behind.他从镜子里看见有人想从背后袭击他。2、The poem mirrored the poet's sadness.这首诗反映出这个诗人内心的哀伤。3、Leifeng is regarded as a mirror of selfless dedication.雷锋被作为无私奉献的真实写照。


1.According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.按照迷信的说法,摔碎镜子会带来噩运。2.The face is the mirror of the soul.脸是反映灵魂的镜子。3.He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out.出门前他对着镜子把自己审视了一番。4.The music of the time mirrored ...


2、mirror surface 镜面;镜像曲面 3、rearview mirror (车辆)后视镜 4、rear view mirror 后视镜 5、primary mirror 主镜 例句:1、He saw in the mirror that someone was trying to attack him from behind.他从镜子里看见有人想从背后袭击他。2、The poem mirrored the poet's sadness.这首...


Spring, peach blossom the trees in full bloom when looking from afar like a glorious morning glow.2、昨天的朝霞很绚烂。There was a spectacular sunrise yesterday.3、朝霞映在湖面上。The glory of the dawn [ morning] is mirrored on [ in] the lake.4、朝霞投映在平静的湖面上。The ...

求冲上云霄2的i just want to be here 的歌词以及翻译

I just want to be here I just want to be here I'll never take for granted the time you give to me My love for you is mirrored you are my symmetry And all that I understand Always I can hold your hand You are the only one that's on my mind I just want to be ...
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