



can't make any sense of itYou mean nothing to the worldWe're all someone else'Yeah you waste your time with losersIf you get stuck in a rock-and-roll bandDo you find it more rewardingTo compete with morons throughout this landThey seem to be in power ;


committed在此句中和后面的by morons with baked brains一起作crimes的后置定语,智障者所犯的罪,crime为commit逻辑上的宾语,所以用过去分词;但是并不是所有的后置定语都用过去分词,如:The girl standing under the tree is really charming. 这句话中,standing under the tree就做girl的后置定语,...


IBM(International Business Machine)国际商用机器公司 IBM,即国际商业机器公司,1914年创立于美国,是世界上最大的信息工业跨国公司,目前拥有全球雇员30多万人,业务遍及160多个国家 和地区。2000年,IBM全球营业收入880多亿美元。1992年IBM在北京正式宣布成立国际商业机器中国有限公司,这是IBM在中国的独资...


笨蛋 donkey ignoramus 笨蛋 ben dan 1.[Abusive] a fool; an idiot; a simpleton; a dullard; a moron; a foolish fellow; a stupid fellow; a silly fool; a wooden head 笨蛋 fool idiot ass slob 笨 stupid thickheaded 笨 ben 1.dull; foolish 2.clumsy 笨 stupid thickheaded 傻 fool...

写一篇英语作文100字,The Ideal Education,写出提纲就好

so that the students are always paying attention to learn knowledge from books but not caring about their personality development ,which leads to most of them become "high marks morons" ,they didn’t gain integrated skills to adjust to the society. Even in college ,plenty of ...

Eminem的Fast Lane的歌词(中英文都要)

You morons think that I’m a genius 你们这些白痴认为我是个天才 Really I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin’, try them trailer parks 其实我TM就是个精神病院里搞卫生的,经常出没于拖车停车场 Crazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, baby 我的复出势不可挡,宝贝 And that’s back ...


哈哈,的确中美有差异,美国人从来不骂人为“蠢猪”的,你骂一个美国人蠢猪,他听不懂~美国人喜欢骂蠢驴,dumb ass 一群废物: a bunch of morons 韩国bangz: Korean gook 放心吧,老外肯定能看懂~


Michael Fleming ...(book "From Amalgamated Morons to American Icons: The Three Stooges") Janet Roach ...(television story)/(teleplay) and Kirk Ellis ...(teleplay) 主演: Paul Ben-Victor ...Moe Howard 伊万·汉德勒 Evan Handler ...Larry Fine 约翰·卡西尔 John Kassir ...Shemp Howard 更多...

求Fast Lane-- Eminem中文歌词

You morons think that I’m a genius 你们这些白痴认为我是个天才 Really I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin’, try them trailer parks 其实我TM就是个精神病院里搞卫生的,经常出没于拖车停车场 Crazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, baby 我的复出势不可挡,宝贝 And ...

求Eminem的Fast Lane的中文正解歌词。

Royce Da 5'9"]First verse, uh, I’m on ’til I’m on a island 又是我来第一段,我会保持这牛逼状态到我隐退《紧闭岛》那天 My life’s ridin’ on the Autobahn on autopilot 我的人生开启了自动导航,驰骋在不限速高速路上 Before I touch dirt, I’ll kill you all with kindness...
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