为了实现在更新员工所在部门或向部门插入新员工时,部门中员工人数不超过7人,可以在emp表上创建两个触发器,同时创建一个共享信息的包 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE mutate_pkg AS v_deptno NUMBER(2);END;CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER rmutate_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF deptno ON EMP FOR E...
本篇中会讲到两个函数mutate()和transmute(): 1. mutate()函数增加新列并保留已存在的列 2. transmute()函数增加新列但会丢掉之前存在的列 3. 如果新变量的名字和已知变量相同,则会...
having injected the G-virus,mutates.The soldiers open fire on him,and Curtis goes on a rampage killing everyone in his vicinity.Leon saves Angela from the massacre as the atrium garden begins to fall apart,with the wreckage crushing Curtis.Believing him to be dead,the surviving so...
故事内容是在叙述巨无霸(Maximals)与原始兽(Predacons)在史前地球上所展开的战斗。 总体来看,《超能勇士》+《猛兽侠》,正宗美版变形金刚续集。在里面出现的G1人物除了有宇宙大帝、擎天柱、幽灵红蜘蛛外,还有机器狗的人型(出现在《超能勇士》后面几集)、惊天雷的右机翼上有G1狂派标志(《超能勇士》前几集,黄豹勇士...
DeploysInto=DROD 【按“D”展开后变成一个建筑,比如基地车变成基地】Deployer=yes 【可以展开=是的】IsSimpleDeployer=yes 【表示按“D”部署后仍然还是它自己,看似变成了另外一个单位,其实这只是障眼法】DeployFire=yes 【表示部署后立刻以副武开火】Turret=yes 【部署后使用旋转炮塔】DeployingAnim...
36 变异变体 Transmutate 37 电子星人 The Agenda(1)38 金盘身世 The Agenda(2)39 方舟 The Agenda(3)第三季(SEASON 3)40 最高危机 Optimal Situation 41 固执的急先锋 Deep Metal 42 换岗 Changing of the Guard 43 生死关头 Cutting Edge 44 黄豹之迷 Feral Scream(1)45 新黄豹诞生 ...
the surviving soldiers head up the elevator to safety, Leon and Angela choosing to stay downstairs and wait for the elevator to come back down. Curtis gets out of the wreckage and mutates further, climbing up the building and by destroying the elevator, killing the soldiers inside....
constant fixedly invariableness fixedness invariability 不变的英文例句:那些讯号用非常快但几乎不变的速度来回传送。The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed.永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念 Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude.没有一成不变...
28 瓣生能力 Coming of the Fuzors(1)29 黑猩猩再生 Coming of the Fuzors(2)30 心网 Tangled Web 31 大冲击 Maximal No More 32 第二次来访 Other Visits(1)33 争夺 Other Visits(2)34 孽种狂飙 Bad Spark 35 英雄本色 Code of Hero 36 变异变体 Transmutate 37 电子星人 The Agenda(1...