



needle的英语意思:作名词时意思是“针;指针;刺激;针状物”,作及物动词时意思是“刺激;用针缝”,作不及物动词时意思是”缝纫;做针线“。一、needle中文释义:1、needle的英音【ˈniːdl】,美音【ˈniːdl】。2、【n.】针; 缝衣针; 编织针;注射针; 针头; 指针...


needle 报错 英 ['niːd(ə)l] 美 ['nidl]n. 针;指针;刺激;针状物 vi. 缝纫;做针线 vt. 刺激;用针缝 n. (Needle)人名;(英)尼德尔 [ 过去式 needled 过去分词 needled 现在分词 needling ]

needle 可数吗?

是可数名词 针线, 还有指针,磁针,注射用针的意思 此外,它也可以用做动词 1.用针串过.2.取笑.3.穿行 一些有用的短语 非常机敏 as sharp as a needle 恼怒 get(have) the needle 击中要害 hit the needle 大海捞针 look for a needle in a bottle of hay 坐如针毡 on pins and needles ...

vacutainer needle 是什么意思

vacutainer needle 真空采血针 needle[英][ˈni:dl][美][ˈnidl]n.针; 针状物; <口>刺激性言行;vt.用针缝,刺; 刺激,激怒; <俚>增加(饮料的)酒精含量;vi.缝纫;复数:needles 例句:1.He never stopped looking for the hope that one day, he will find the needle.他从未...


是可数名词 针线, 还有指针,磁针,注射用针的意思 此外,它也可以用做动词 1.用针串过.2.取笑.3.穿行 一些有用的短语 非常机敏 as sharp as a needle 恼怒 get(have) the needle 击中要害 hit the needle 大海捞针 look for a needle in a bottle of hay 坐如针毡 on pins and needles ...


指针的英文是:pointer。indicator n.指示物;标志;指示器;显示器;装置;指示剂;指示(物)种;…计;…仪。pointer n.指针;猎犬;提示;链接;教鞭;指示棒;暗示;线索;点子;建议。needle n.针;针状物;刺状物;针锋相对;敌意;针头;指针;注射针;磁针;松针。guiding principle 指导原则...

iv needle怎么读

iv needle读音是:英音['ni:dl] 美音[ˈnidl]。双语例句:Approach to some problems in the national standard Standardized Manipulation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Part IV, Three-edged Needle 国家标准《针灸技术操作规范第4部分:三棱针》的若干问题探讨。The disposable IV infusion set...

needle mushroom翻译

needle mushroom的意思是:1.金针菇 2.金针蘑 3.扁豆 4.草菇 短语:Assorted needle mushroom什锦金针菇;Needle Mushroom with Sauce凉拌金针菇;Mix golden needle mushroom拌金针菇
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