
neglected loading


neglected loading是什么意思

neglected loading 释义 漏装 双语例句 1 The effect of friction on damage behavior of material is studied and the calculated results show that the stress decrement caused by friction can not be neglected in some ...


错装,misloading, mis-erection 漏装neglected loading, omission in erection


Due to neglected loading, we are unable to ship on July 9th and delay it to July 13th. You can find the details on the appurtenance.


然而,为在薄壁管子的表面外在瑕疵,例如多数典型的腐蚀在油背叛,并且传输管道,公众舆论开发了为对早期工作的使用由Kiefner 等[5]演讲针对轴向的缺点爆炸力量的在被加压的管子的通过压力水平在缺点的剩余的韧带和管子失败(爆炸...

急求跪求哪个高手能把下面的翻译一下啊 不要用翻译工具谢谢哈_百度知 ...

3.4.1有弹性偏折 根据Timoshenko bam理论的,射线的偏折是由弯曲和剪造成的,当服从对横向装货,并且可以通过解决平衡等式获得。在分离地点的偏折可以通过使用合并弯曲的射线的能量方法计算并且剪僵硬。 由于更高的剪模数,...

光纤传感器 英语翻译 高手帮忙翻译一下!!!小弟不才,也没软件可用...

凡lo1 , O2的是中心波长的两个输出梁其相应的权力, po1和氧分压, dl1 ,二是充分宽度的一半,最高(半高宽)两个输出光束。在这里,尽可能阶段的变化源自漂移在波长光源和变化,空气折射率的差距所造成的环境温度...




I look forward to the frustration has got a confession Not loaded I feel still like a bottle cap is opened, etc.Juba is in support moss Become more quiet in the crowd not to ignore the more They have ...

谁能帮我把这些翻译成英文的 非常感谢了!

if neglected, the set of rubber flange with the set of the actual situation is equivalent. As the wheel of rubber elastic modulus much larger than in its deformation by the load is also much smaller than ...


load-axial弯矩-曲率反应、轴向应变关系等等。最简单的合成模型弯曲及轴向的反应,来解偶 每次使用具有该技能的兵种线性和非线性关系 如Takeda张秀珍。~ 1970年!有关时刻部分模型 和曲率。更先进的合成模型,比较适合 分析认为,...
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