
nose cone


DIN 8033 标准是什么

DIN 8033-4 Hardmetal burrs; conical pointed nose 硬质合金毛刺刀.第4部分:尖锥形刀尖 DIN 8033-5 Hardmetal burrs; conical round nose burrs 硬质合金毛刺刀.第5部分:圆锥形刀尖毛刺刀 DIN 8033-6 Hardmetal burrs; 60- and 90- degree cone burrs 硬质合金毛刺刀.第6部分:...


N ( name neck nose nail near nest next nice)O (okay once only open ours over)P (pear push page pair park part past peak pine plan plum plus pond post pour pram prod pure)R (read ring rope rose race ramp real rest rich ripe rude rule rush)S (same sand ...

求生之路Left 4 dead 2有没有秘籍 有的话说一下多少 怎么输

prop_physics_create props_fortifications/orange_cone001_reference.mdl挡车桶 prop_physics_create props_fortifications/traffic_barrier001.mdl 挡车架 prop_dynamic_create props_unique/mopbucket01.mdl huangse手推车 prop_physics_create props_urban/shopping_cart001.mdl 购物车 Prop_dynamic_create props_vehicles...

帮我找一篇一件小事触动我的英语作文,例:something touched me,急...

how I wanted to love them, but I became a "prisoner of love." As they began to grow, I became their friend. They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs, poked fingers in my eyes, investigated my ears, and gave me kisses on my nose. I loved everything...


He has a big nose。示例:他有一个大鼻子和一双小眼睛。He has a big nose. He has small eyes.nose读法英 [nəʊz] 美 [noʊz]n. 鼻子;(飞机、火箭等的)头部,机首;嗅觉;觉察力 短语 aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻 nose cone 鼻锥 Roman Nose 鹰钩鼻 ; 鹰鼻 词语用法...




straight nose 笔直的鼻子 五、双语例句1.You've got something on the end of your nose.你的鼻尖上有个东西。2.You've made my nose too big.你把我的鼻子画得太大了。3.He has a trick of scratching his nose when he's angry.他生气时有抓鼻子的习惯。4.Spraying nose cone of high...


straight nose 笔直的鼻子 五、双语例句1.You've got something on the end of your nose.你的鼻尖上有个东西。2.You've made my nose too big.你把我的鼻子画得太大了。3.He has a trick of scratching his nose when he's angry.他生气时有抓鼻子的习惯。4.Spraying nose cone of high...
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