"Digital baby"例句 环保数码宝贝人见人爱三江源生态移民后续生产生活问题研究 A Study on Subsequent Production and Life of Eco-immigrants from Upstream Areas of Three Great Rivers 重点词汇释义 数码 numeral; number; digit; numerical code; figure 宝贝 baby; treasure; darling; treasured object...
才是纯数学上的“数字”。可指0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9...直到9999 etc4,“numberal”来源于number,加al后表示“数的,数字的”,是一个形容词,在形容词作名词用时作“数字”解,同number。对于初学者来说,拿不准用什么的时候就用number好了,因为它的范围包括了figure和digit。
number 一般性的数字,比如说电话号,数学里也用这个 figure一般表示什么什么数据,也有体型的意思 digit一般和电子类产品有关,数字化一类的的
数字 adj.digital,numeral n. number, figure,numeric, amount, digit
7件 5.一个家具工厂生产各种家具,已知每个工人每天能生产2个桌子或6个凳子,共有21名工人,一套家具包括1个桌子和4个凳子,问,应怎样安排工人工作才能使生产的家具都成套?2x:6y=1:4,又x+y=21,得9人生产桌子,12人生产凳子 6.四娃Pat,Sean,Alan,Sam都在今天办生日会,再过一年Sam就跟Pat...
不需要复数形式:“two hundreds”←错误 例外:“There are five two hundreds in one thousand.”(在一千个一里面有五个两百。)←在此,“五个两百”不是一个数字,所以有复数。关系是〔two hundred〕s,非two 〔hundred〕s。“two hundred”两个字算一组,一起副数。没有连字号“two-hundred...
the Chinese evades this digit extremely. With digit” 8” poles apart, the people try hard to avoid the use to have this digital number. But in the West, some nationalities is right” 4” worships extremely, because” 4” are fair, the justice, the strength symbol....
Granny was a outcome of vicinity discussion sixty women stabbed double in the nevicinityFigure), 18) attendant.got the newspaper, police instantly called Ali. Ali told the police, the day of the attack of a man Jiaoa Ling, aged 20s, the two are no cooked. The nightfall of ...
共计 amount, add up to 折合 amount, convert 为数 amount 名词 量 amount, volume, quantity, capacity, measure, quantum 额 amount, volume, forehead, quota, brow, quantum 数量 quantity, amount 多少 number, amount 数目 number, amount 数字 number, figure, numeric, digit, amount ...
Same we can also pass to change the art effect that the number attains metre the United States in keeping the foundation of original righteousness while translate poem phrase.We is "the NO BIRDS of the MOUNTAINS AND of the A HUNDRED, the FOOT PRINT of the PATHS WITH of the A...