4、人命关天,安全第一。Human life, safety first.5、我为河源交通添光彩!I add luster to the traffic in Heyuan!6、行车多礼让,行人优先行。More pedestrian, pedestrian priority.7、但愿人长久,千里路畅通!Nung, thousands of miles smooth!8、珍爱生命不要翻越护栏。Cherish life don't c...
ho=何啊~请看21 中文 中国香港地道英译 1赵Chiu 2钱Chin 3孙Suen 4李Lee 5周Chau / Chow 6吴Ng 7郑Cheng 8王Wong 9冯Fung 10陈Chan 11褚Chu 12卫Wai 13蒋Cheung 14沈Shum / Sum 15韩Hon 16杨Yeung 17朱Chu 18秦Chun 19尤Yau 20许Hui 21何Ho 22吕Lui 23施See / Sze 24张Cheung...
1、安全在我心中,生命在我手中。Safety is in my heart, and life is in my hands.2、安全靠规章,严守不能忘。It is safe to rely on rules and regulations, and it can not be forgotten.3、加强劳动保护,预防事故发生。We should strengthen labor protection and prevent accidents.4、...
Nung, thousands of miles of peace.38、交规学记用,安全你我他。Learn to use the rules, and secure you, me, and him.39、路路用心,人人安心。Road, heart, everyone peace of mind.40、国法如山,逃逸必捉。The law is like a mountain, which must be caught by running away....