
nurse from hell



House: (walking away from the class) Can you still hear me? 还能听见我说话么? Rebellious Student: No. 不能Caring Student: A little. 一点点 Keen Student: Not really. 基本听不见 House: If you can’t hear me, how do you know what I asked? 如果你们听不见我,怎么知道我问得什么 Dr. ...




找出游戏的罗马音,可以请教日语高手,也可以去日语字典里面查。比如泸江日语词典,把游戏名字的汉字/片假/平假 一个一个仍进去查,一般不需要全部查出来,因为一个公司相同罗马音的游戏不多,好像有 查日语罗马音的网站,大家可以去找找。使用浏览器的查找,IE 编辑-在页面上查找,Ctrl+ F把公司名字仍进去找,...


最初是婴孩,在保姆的怀里号啼呕吐。(梁实秋 译)2、弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》也是用素体写成的,如一开始的第27行至第33行:Say first—for heaven hides nothing from thy view,Nor the deep tract of Hell—say first what causeMoved our grand Parensts, in that happy state,Favoured of ...


It was she who had attacked Mason and torn Jane's wedding veil. Rochester explains that the creature is Mason's sister Bertha whom he had been tricked into marrying fifteen years before in Jamaica and who comes from a family of lunatics and degenerates. His married life has been an unmitig...


在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。31、 Love look not with the eyes, but with the mind. — William Shakespeare /爱不是用眼睛看,而是用心去感受。——莎士比亚32、我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my ...


Nurse Ratched: Aren't you ashamed?护士长拉契特:你不感到羞耻吗?Billy: No, I'm not.比利:不,我不感到羞耻。[Applause from friends][朋友们鼓起了掌]Nurse Ratched: You know Billy, what worries me is how your mother is going to take this.护士长拉契特:你知道,比利,让我担心的是...


Galaxy Fraulein Yuna OVA 1 银河少女传说Ghost in the Shell 攻壳机动队Golden Boy 黄金宝贝Graduation 毕业生Gundam Wing 高达WGunsmith Cats 美少女枪神H2 好逑物语Hyper DollIdol Project 偶像计划Lupin III: Hunt for Harimao 鲁邦三世Lupin III: To Hell with Nostrodamus! 鲁邦三世Macross 7 : The Galaxy is...


1.A glorious people vibrated againThe lightning of the nations: LibertyFrom heart to heart, from tower to tower, o’er Spain,Scattering contagious fire into the sky,Gleamed. My soul spurned the chains of its dismay, And in the rapid plumes of songClothed itself, sublime and strong;As a ...

来一些怀旧动画 98年到04年的


请问日本1995~2007年全部的动画片是什么?把它们的名称发来?_百度知 ...

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