



\"The small red hat answered:\" I want to grandmother\'s house.\"The big gray wolf asked again:\"Where does your grandmother live?\"The small red hat answered :\"Under three big oaks in the forest.\"The big gray wolf thought after hearing it:The meat of this young girl...


17.滴水穿石:Little stone fell great oaks.18.无所求则无所获:Nothing seek, nothing find.19.艰难困苦出能人:Bad times make a good man.20.活着感到快乐,世界就属于你:The world is his who enjoys it.21.有志者,事竟成. Where there is a will there is a way.22.千里之行,始于...






Photo: Howard Frank ArchivesAt Twelve Oaks, she notices she is being admired by a handsome but roguish visitor, Rhett Butler, who had been disowned by his Charleston family. Rhett finds himself in further disfavor among the male guests when, during a discussion of the probability of war, he...


Once there was a war between the Roman people and the E-trus'cans wholived in the towns on the other side of the Ti-ber River.曾经有一场战争发生在罗马人和住在提伯河对岸的城镇里的易拉罐人之间。Por'se-na,the King of the E-trus-cans, raised a great army, and marched ...


In the forest there are th scrubby oaks; Do not make my dog bark.In the wild there is a dead deer,许译:An antelope is killed He sees the white-drest maid And wrapped in white afield. As beautiful as jade.A maid for love does long, “O soft and slow, weetheart...

Youth is hot and bold,Age is weak and cold,Youth is wildand Age i...

O never faith could hold, if not to beauty vowed: Though to myself forsworn, to thee I'll constant prove; Those thoughts, to me like oaks, to thee like osiers bowed. Study his bias leaves, and makes his book thine eyes, Where all those pleasures live that art can comprehend. If ...


基本信息 霍纳斯·古铁雷斯(Jonas Gutierrez) 国籍: 阿根廷 出生地: 布宜诺斯艾利斯 出生日期: 1983-07-05 身高: 183cm 体重: 70Kg 场上位置: 中场 现效力球队: 纽卡斯尔联 曾效力球队: 萨斯菲尔德、马洛卡 球衣号码: 18号 战绩 26岁的古铁雷斯在07年的年初...


question 【口】关键问题...Thousand Oaks 千橡市 4、例句:Thousands of spectators watched the sailing.数千名观众观看了这次游艇比赛。I am a thousand winds that blow.我是扬起千千遍遍的风.Thousand probabilities do not make one truth.无数的可能也不能成就一个事实。
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