
obes res



58 English PJ, Coughlin SR, Hayden K, Malik IA, Wilding JP. Plasma adiponectin increases postprandially in obese, but not in lean, subjects. Obes Res 2003; 11: 839-844.59 Morris MJ, Velkoska E, Cole TJ. Central...


流言: 在这个吃好喝好的时代,广大中青年争相发福,最明显的莫过于越来越挺的肚子。人们把这种肚子叫做“啤酒肚”,于是不少人依此认定“啤酒肚”跟爱喝啤酒脱不了干系。真相: “啤酒肚”是腹部肥胖的俗名,由内脏脂肪积累造成。很多研...


Diabetes Obes Metab2014,16:111-117.[6] Chen Y, Feng R, Wang H, Wei R, Yang J, Wang L, Wang H, Zhang L, Hong T (共同通讯作者), Wen J. High-fat diet induces early-onset diabetes in heterozygous Pax6 mutan...


I nternational Atomic Energy Agency, 19909 Murgatroyd P R, Shtty P S, Prentice A M. Techniques for the measurement of human energy expenditure: apractical guide . I nt J Obes,1993...


M, et al. Potential protective effect of lactation against incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Metab Res Rev...
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