



He talks big but doesn't actually do anything.他光吹牛,什麽实际的事都不干。She is listening to the radio.她在听收音机。Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。The abbot told him to obey the rules.修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。Birds were circling overhead.鸟儿在头顶上...


另一方面,奥迪R8后部有些类似兰博基尼 Gallardo,后保险杠和扩散器上方通风口类似保时捷 992 GT3,不过扩散器形状和排气口有些类似阿斯顿马丁DBS Superleggera。奥北是基于奥迪。LOGO也基于奥迪标志的四环,但经过变体。 “Obey”这单词是“Audi”的变异,因为Audi在拉丁语中的意思是命令式的“听到”和obey...

obey your command是什么意思

obey your command 遵命; 听从你的命令 例句筛选 1.The officials and all the people will obey your every command.并有众首领和众民一心听从你的命令。2.27 the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, whichI command you today.你们若听从耶和华你们神的诫命,就是我...

找出画线部分读音不同的单词 A.they B.hey C.monkey D.obey?_百度...


There may be accidents,if the drivers don,t obey

如果司机不遵守交通规则,就可能会有交通事故。司机有很多,交通事故也不会只有一宗,而且句子里也用了drivers复数,所以对应的accidents也是复数。如果一定要用单数,句子可以改成 There may be an accident, if the driver doesn’t obey the traffic rules.可以看到,an accident、the driver他们都是...

He wonders why he should always obey her even if

have reason to do sth 意思是,有理由做某事,这是动词+宾语+不带to的不定式 形式!have reason not to do 意思是,有理由不做某事,这个是动词不定式否定形式是!小知识~动词+宾语+不带to的不定式作宾语补足语:感官动词:see, watch, notice, look at,hear;使役动词:make, let, have(...

是obey sb to do还是doing?

都没有.obey sb/sth或者obey doing sth倒是有的.

You must obey the captain's order(orders为什么用复数)?


to hear is to obey是什么语法

不定式做主语,不定式做表语。注意:结构要对称。可以说to hear is to obey 也可以说hearing is obeying 但不能说 to hear is obeying 也不能说 hearing is to obey
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