


漫骂[màn mà]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?_百度...

[漫骂]百科解释 漫骂,指放肆地乱骂的意思。 更多→ 漫骂 [漫骂]英文翻译 Obloquy [漫骂]近义词 乱骂 诋毁 谩骂 [漫骂]反义词 称颂 [漫骂]相关词语 乱骂 诋毁 羸弱 谩骂 嫚骂 怄气 称颂

英语以 字母l 字母o 字母v 字母 e开头话,如谎言lie这样的!比如背叛...

labile不稳定的 易变的;lacerate撕裂 伤害;lag落后 滞后;lampoon嘲讽;lapse失误 失足;laxity 松弛 放纵;lechery好色 纵欲;lethargy昏睡 倦怠;libel诽谤 中伤;loathe厌恶;loot赃物 抢劫 掠夺。oath咒骂;obloquy大骂 斥责;odium憎恶 反感;offend冒犯 得罪 违反;oppression压迫;opprobrium侮辱;orgy放荡。

英语翻译 沉默是毁谤的最好答复

Silence is the best respondence to obloquy.沉默是对毁谤最好的回应(答复).冒犯 楼上的respond是个动词.


[obloquy] 丧失尽尊严、体面或荣誉 7. 丢车保帅 diūjū-bǎoshuài [sacrifice the knights to save the king] 象棋比赛的战术。比喻牺牲比较重要的东西保护最重要的 8. 丢盔卸甲 diūkuī-xièjiǎ (1) [flee helter-skelter;fly pell-mell] 形容吃了败仗逃跑时的狼狈样子 唬得禁军八百万丢盔...


日常对话 interlocution 对话 loquacious饶舌的,喋喋不休的 locution习惯用语 circumlocution 绕圈子的话 (grandiloquent magniloquent) 浮夸的 soliloquy 独白 obloquy(ob-=against) 指责,辱骂7.log/logue-speakprologue 开场白 monologue独白 catalogue 目录eulogy颂词 trilogy 三部曲 epilogue 尾声8.epi-on ...


disgrace, dishonor, shame, infamy, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium, disrepute, discredit These nouns denote the condition of being held in low regard.这些名词都指一种不受尊重的状态。Disgrace implies strong disfavor or ostracism:Disgrace 含有强烈反对和排斥之意:“Between ...


[obloquy] 丧失尽尊严、体面或荣誉 丢车保帅 diū jū bǎo shuài [sacrifice the knights to save the king] 象棋比赛的战术。比喻牺牲比较重要的东西保护最重要的 丢盔卸甲 diū kuī xiè jiǎ 形容吃了败仗狼狈逃跑的景象。丢脸 diū liǎn [lose face]∶失去体面、好感或...


"3. Destroy the peoples faith in their natural leaders by holding these latter up to ridicule, obloquy, and contempt."4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible."5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear ...

Lifetime Beloved是什么意思

英文:Lifetime Beloved 中文:一生的爱人 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


reprove injure reprehend rebuke inveigh diatribe abuse lambaste obloquyinvective免责,确定无罪--exempt exonerate exculpate invulnerable absolve妨碍,阻挠--filibuster encumber impede hamper hinder stymie curb obstructrestrain retard hamper thwart foil clog check occlude挑剔的--meticulous nitpick finicky finical ...
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