


my school 作文翻译要有

At ten o`clock I go to bed。 It`s really a busy day but I like it。我今年XX岁,我在XX中学里读书。每天早上我7点起床和吃早餐。然后7点半我去上学。8点开始上课。我们在早上有4节课,语文是我喜爱的科目。我们经常在两节课之间有10分钟的休息时间,我们早上的课上到12点就结束了。我...



大学英语作文the person i admire most?

care.I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to...


I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to ...


I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year,my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could.When we got home after my injection,it was about 5 oclock in the early morning.My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for ...

What time does your school start?这句话怎么回答?

根据实际情况来回答,如 My school starts at 7:50. 我们学校七点五十开始上课。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)


When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day. My mum is not very beautiful, but I ...


My Day Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:...


421. I get out of bed about 7 oclock every morning. 每天早上我7:00起床。422. After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower. 起来以后我会进浴室冲个澡。423. Then,I brush my teeth and comb my hair. 然后我刷牙梳头。424. After brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes....


我最敬佩的人 我最敬佩的人是那一位清洁工人。我仅仅见过她一面,但她那种形象,那种为人民服务的精神却像一把利刀刻在我的心里,给我流下了深刻的印象。在她身上,我体会到许多人生的道理。那时第一次见她,是在放学的路上,当时下着倾盘的大雨。路上的人个个披着雨衣,撑着伞,匆匆忙忙地...
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