
oppose sth to sth


promote sb to do sth 还是promote sb doing sth?

综述:promote sb to do sth 1、正确语法是:promote sb to do sth,促使某人做某事,后者是错误语法结构。Authorities eventually promoted the rebel to seat on the table for stopping fire.2、其它常见语法还有:promote sb from A_sth to B_sth把某人从A提升到B。He's in the end promoted...

offer sth to sb和offer sth for sb那个是正确的

答案是:offer sth to sb和offer sth for sb都是正确的。一、offer sth to sb 释义:向某人提供某物。用法:offer作“动提供,主动提出; 出价”解时,用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语,offer有时还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合...

spur sb to do sth有这个用法吗?

没有spur sb. to do sth这个句型。spur sb. up to [on to, into] action 激励某人 Pride spurred the man to fight.自尊心刺激他去决斗 。n. 一时冲动之下,心血来潮;刺激,激励;山嘴,尖坡;(公路或铁路的)支线,岔线;马刺,靴刺 v. 激励,鼓励;促进,加速,刺激(某事发生);用...

persuade sb to do sth, talk sb into doing, persuade sb into...

persuade sb to do sth、talk sb into doing、persuade sb into doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1、persuade sb to do sth:劝某人做某事。2、talk sb into doing:说服某人。3、persuade sb into doing:说服某人做某事。二、用法不同 1、persuade sb to do ...

appoint sb. (to sth.)

to 是介词,表示“任命”到。。。例如:He was appointed to a vice-manager.

persuade sb to do sth 和talk/persuade sb into doing有什么区别吗...

一、意思不同 1.persuade sb to do sth意思:说服。2.talk sb into doing意思:谈话。3.persuade sb into doing意思:说服某人做。二、用法不同 1.persuade sb to do sth用法:基本意思是“说服”,指通过晓之以理或动之以情的各种方法如劝说、辩论、恳求等,能使或已使某人相信某事或者接受某...

repeat sth for sb 还是 repeat sth to sb

I repeated the news for him because he didn't undertand the first time.我为他重复了一遍那个新闻因为他一开始没有听明白。2、repeat sth. to sb. : 给某人重覆某事 I repeated the news to him so I could make sure he understand.我给他重复了一遍那个新闻确保他听明白了。repeat ...


"sb+to+sth" 和 "sth+to+sb" 表示两种不同的句型结构。"sb+to+sth" 表示某人做某事,是主动形式。例如:"She encouraged him to try it."(她鼓励他试试。)"sth+to+sb" 表示某事对某人有影响,是被动形式。例如:"The music was pleasing to the ear."(音乐对耳朵令人愉悦。)总之,...


四级阅读高频词汇60个:hold sth to account 与….对证,核实 admit to 许可,允许 appear to 似乎,好像 apply sth to sth 把…适用于…ask for 要求 assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事 ensure sb to do sth 保证某人做某事 attach importance to = pay/ call attention to 关注,重视 be ...

有没有stop sb.to do sth这种用法?

有。stop sb to do sth 读音:英 [stɒp ˈsʌmbədi tu duː] 美 [stɑːp ˈsʌmbədi tu duː]释义:阻止某人做某事。语法:stop用作名词的基本意思是“停止,中止,停留,逗留”,是可数名词,引申可表示“停止标志”“停留...
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