



C) one should avoid overstating one’s performance D) most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises29. To get a pay raise, a person should ___. A) advertise himself on the job market B) persuade his bo...


3。供应商融资 金融体系有三个:资本市场系统(例如:美国,英国),信用为基础的政府制度(如:法国,日本),信用为基础的金融机构系统(如:德国)。首先,有业内人士/代码法系国家如德国,法国,比利时,意大利,日本......




财务英语的简写是Finance 财务泛指财务活动和财务关系。前者指企业在生产过程中涉及资金的活动,表明财务的形式特征; 后者指财务活动中企业和各方面的经济关系,揭示财务的内容本质。因此,概括说来,企业财务就是企业再生产过程...


There are some comments about the book, on controversy of so much praise. The extra ordinary power of protagonist is one of examples of the argument. The only moment when he was in danger, flashed soon by...


Nowadays, there are increased advertisements with overstating even false information in our daily life. We can't aviod these ads when we watch TV, go shopping and even watch doctors. It's puzzlement that ...


It's no use overstating.32、谨慎错误少,约好不误事。Be careful and make fewer mistakes.33、火要空心,人要虚心。Fire should be hollow, people should be modest.34、不知水深浅,千万别冒险。Don't take ...

effects of ads英语作文带翻译

Nowadays, there are increased advertisements with overstating even false information in our daily life. We can't aviod these ads when we watch TV, go shopping and even watch doctors. It's puzzlement that ...

关于effects of ads120词作文

Nowadays, there are increased advertisements with overstating even false information in our daily life. We can't aviod these ads when we watch TV, go shopping and even watch doctors. It's puzzlement that ...

以one step at a time为题的英语作文120字

totally boosting up the production of the heavy industries, such as oil, electricity, metal, and coal; especially overstating that quantity was more important quality. Never mind the insufficient quality of the ...
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