


Paraphrase the following sentences

when his father was fixing his car.6. I have made up my mind to study hard.I have decided that I will study hard.7. When they were watching TV, they heard a scream.There was a scream when they were watching TV.8. I am grateful to my parents.I thank my parents....

Use your own words to paraphrase the following sentences.

1.她是深圳最优秀的学生之一 2.我有时候会在去学校的路上会打电话给客户。【ps.这句的英语有几个拼写错误。准确拼写应该是I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school】


Paraphrase the following sentences.(改写句子,保持原意.)1.What's the matter?What's wrong? 或 What's up?2.I do not feel like eating anything.I feel like eating nothing.3.Paul says that new cars are not as good as old cars.Paul says that new cars are worse than old cars...


回答:1,你可以赶上伦敦到巴黎的火车。 2,快速学法语很简单。 3,为什么你现在不试着学习法语呢? 4,你不必要乘飞机或轮渡去参观英国。 5,到这个奇妙美丽的地方来吧,你会玩得开心的。 6,第一个路口向右转。 7,打扰了,到火车站该怎么走? 8,你想游览什么景点吗? 9,我们有了一座大房子,带...

本人英语几乎零基础,准备出国,雅思要考到6.5,半年时间,请各位大侠支 ...

偏锋出国作为雅思官方的合作伙伴,多次受邀参加雅思官方培训,严格按照官方最新评分标准指导学员备考。我们是一群一心钻研教学的教书匠,校长金长麟老师从事雅思教学十九年,你的四科主讲老师相加超过三十年教龄,均海外名校归国;你的 VIP 教辅 100%来自名校英专/雅思 7+。零基础如何备课雅思 如何提高雅思写作...

Paraphrase the sentences with the given prompts

1.while I was travelling in European,I met him.2.I worked for YTU since 1996.3.By the time I arrived the lesson had started.4.He left as soon as the party was finished.5.Whenever I see you I am happy.6.We went to the cinema afterwards we went out for coffee.7....

句型转换 paraphrase!!! 急啊!! 谢啦!!!

paraphrase是意译 1. he is pretty envious of her success 2. good luck 3. you are kidding me 4. why not try something new like going to paris for travelling this summer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
