1米深水的压力是:9800帕斯卡。压强P=ρgh(ρ密度,ρ=1000千克/立方米,g重力加速度,g=9.8牛顿/千克,h水深,单位米)。1米深水的压力=1000×9.8×1=9800帕斯卡 1个标准大气压的压强=1.013×10^5帕斯卡=10.13米水柱的压力
11. According to the formula for liquid pressure and precise physical values, the specific value of one standard atmosphere is approximately 1.01325×10^5 pascals.
The density is an intensive property which is defined as an object's mass over its unit volume. The symbol of density is ρ.5.what is pressure?5 什么是压力?ANSWER:The pressure 'P' is the force per unit area applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface of an object....