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肾的精气亢胜,天葵至,这时男精气易泄,女任脉通,太冲脉盛,月经按时以下,两神相搏,故能有子。受精以后,整个的生长发育过程,及抗御外邪的能力,都是肾的精气的盛衰起决定作用。因此肾为先天之本。参考资料:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/0d542c5c3b3567ec102d8a1a.html ...
And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.What does it matter that my love could not keep her?The night is shattered and she is not with me.This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance.My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.My...
内蒙古草业,(2):1-6,1999; 7、 The Investigation of the grazing behaviour of the native cattle and sheep in Inner Mongolia ,44. Jahrestagung der Arbeits-gemeinschaft Gruenland und Futterbau, 2000 , 161-164,2000; 8、 反刍家畜牧食行为综述,内蒙古农业大学学报,21(2)...
8.雨:下。名词作动词用。 9.啮(nie):吃、嚼。 10.北海:今俄罗斯的贝加尔湖。 11.羝(di):公羊。 12.羝乳:公羊生小羊。 13.廪食不至:公家不给他供应食物。 14.去:藏。 15.草实:野生的果实。 16.杖汉节牧羊:拄着代表汉廷的节杖放羊。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...
as to 和as for意义接近,都有至于、 关于、说起的意思,用法区别如下:1、as for 在语体上不如 as to 正式,并且着重话题的转换,也就是说,它所引导的是前面尚未提到过的新的事情,因此,它不能用于文章的开头。【例句】As to that, I haven’t decided yet. 此时用于句首,不能用as for...
8、It's your loving and your caring And knowing that you're near That gentle touch you have...across the rocky back-pasture; But I stood so still sky above was not stiller than sky in
Because of all the mountains, there isn’t much land for farms in Switzerland. Most farmland is devoted to pasture for dairy cows and other grazing animals.Switzerland’s dairy industry makes many kinds of cheese, including the world-famous Swiss cheese. It also provides milk to ...
8. 四年级数学小故事三百字5篇 一天,一位师父问他的弟子说:“你知道一个四角的桌子被砍掉一角还剩...Then said the Wolf , "You feed in my pasture." "No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I
land use - 37.7% forested, 14.5% meadow and pasture, 1.1% agricultural and under permanent cultivation, 46.7% other.人 口:19·6836万(1996)密度—每平方公里10.3人(1996);年增长率1·75%;城市人口58·5%;平均寿命—72.1岁;男性为69.7岁,女性为74.7岁。(1995-2000)P...