paulo pedro什么牌子
paulo pedro凭借敏锐的时尚嗅觉,每季推出潮流新品,为时尚男女提供风靡全球的精品。男士系列涵盖鞋履、包袋、腰带、钱夹、系列小皮件等,造型时尚,设计大胆,富有现代气息。女士系列包括鞋履、包袋、小配饰等,样式繁多,为女性增添自信而柔美的气质。PEDRO现代时尚品牌正如耀眼的新星般冉冉升起,选择PEDRO精品...
1. Paulo Pedro is not a generic or unbranded label; it is a sophisticated luxury brand that embraces a relaxed interpretation of opulence.2. Originating from Singapore, Paulo Pedro is part of the same parent company as Charles & Keith, a well-known purveyor of footwear and ...
1. Paulo Pedro is a contemporary fashion brand based in Singapore, established in 2006 and part of the Charles & Keith Group.2. The brand specializes in exquisite footwear and accessories such as bags, offering a blend of fine craftsmanship and stylish design.3. With a keen eye ...
7. Whether it's casual footwear, high heels, or handbags, Paulopedro aims for perfection in every detail, reflecting the brand's meticulous craftsmanship.8. The target consumer market for Paulopedro primarily consists of young individuals who value fashion and quality.9. The brand ...