


P( )( )( )E( )括号里面要填什么字母成一个英语单词{四年级下册英语}}...

peased  peasen  peases  peavey  peazed  peazes  peched  pecked  pecker  peckes  pecten  pedder  pedler  peeces  peeked  peeled  peeler  peened  peeped  peeper  peepes  peered  peeved ...


1.Kiss air kiss飞吻 french kiss湿吻 kiss and make up和好 kiss of death死亡之吻,指表面上有益而实则有害的行为(或事物)kiss ass拍马屁(粗话,慎用)2.Peck Peck的本意是“啄”,口语中它可以表示匆匆而又轻轻的一吻。He pecked her on the cheek as he went out.他出门时匆匆地在她的脸颊...

丑小鸭 英语原文

you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you,” and his mother said she wished he had never been born. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet. So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in th...


woodpecker的意思是啄木鸟。英【ˈwʊdpekə】,美【ˈwʊdpekər】。复数:woodpeckers.双语例句:1、The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。2、Wow! Is the long red thread its tongue, like that of a woodpecker?哗,条红色嘅...

《丑小鸭》童话故事 英文版

Afterwards, matters grew worse and worse. The poor duckling was chased and harassed by all the ducklings because he was very ugly.The ducks bit him, the hens pecked him. and the girl who fed them kicked him aside. Then he ran off and soon came to a great marsh where the ...


play ... ... It is really funny. When I feel excited.Suddenly, I saw an interesting scene: a visitor to a fish into the cage, two cranes at the same time ran over, respectively, pecked at the live fish and fish, are tearing, refuse to give up. I couldn't help laugh...


when they at once saw through his disguise and pecked him so unmercifully that he was glad to escape and join his own kind again But the other jackdaws did not recognise him in his white dress,and would not let him feed with drove him away:and so he became a homeless ...

在树上为什么是in the tree

如果是本来就生长在树上的 用 on the tree 如果不是树生长的的,用 in the tree 比如说 苹果 长在树上,几乎都是在树枝尖尖上的,好像在树表面一样,用on 如果是人在树上,就只能够在 树枝林里了,所以 用in


《丑小鸭》写了一只天鹅蛋在鸭群中破壳后,因相貌怪异,被鸭群鄙弃,历经千辛万苦、重重磨难之后长成了白天鹅的故事。原文如下:On the grass next to a pond,the mother duck‘s eggs were hatching.The ducklings began to hatch and came out one by one. Only one big egg had not moved ...
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