



days everyone hopes for rain. 干燥的天气之后,人人都希望下雨。同义词:pelting,rainfall,rainwater,rain down常用短语:1.rain buckets大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈2.rain cats and dogs大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈3.rain check延期;留作下次继续用的票根;给第二次机会;改日再约4.rain cloudn. 雨云 ...


R10 特性:1)渲染:AR升级到 2.6 版,提供了类似XSI的区域交互渲染功能,同时整合了 SniperPro 实时渲染插件!PyroCluster 模块被整合进 AR模块。2)BP3 拥有了大家一直期盼的 LSCM 自动拆解 UV 功能,优于 Modo/Max 的 Pelting。同时由于普通 C4D 一直抱怨 C4D 基本版居然没有基本的 UV 功能(...


1、put on 穿上,戴上 例句:You must put on a raincoat;it's pelting down now.你必须穿上雨衣,正下着大雨呢。2、put over 推迟 例句:Perhaps it is a complex question that only the insiders can answer; however, you feel dislike amongst personalities was put over the needs of ...


例句:He put on a coat with a fur lining.他穿上一件有毛皮衬里的外衣。fur近义词:pelt,英 [pelt],美 [pelt]n. 皮毛;投掷;疾行 v. 剥去皮毛;(连续)投掷;猛落;大步走 名词: pelter 过去式: pelted 过去分词: pelted 现在分词: pelting 第三人称单数: pelts 例句:My hat is ...


同义词:rainfall drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds 同义词:rainwater anything happening rapidly or in quick successive "a rain of bullets"同义词:pelting v.precipitate as rain "If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding"同义词:rain down ...


1、put on 穿上,戴上 例句:You must put on a raincoat;it's pelting down now.你必须穿上雨衣,正下着大雨呢。2、put over 推迟 例句:Perhaps it is a complex question that only the insiders can answer; however, you feel dislike amongst personalities was put over the needs of ...


可以的 表示雨的各种词汇:细雨/毛毛雨drizzle;fine/drizzling rain 零星小雨 occasional drizzles 急雨 rapid rain 猛烈的雨 driving rain 大雨 heavy rain; downpour 倾盆大雨 heavy downpour pouring/pelting rain 茫茫大雨 blinding rain 瓢泼大雨 soaking/drenching rain 滂沱大雨 streaming/torrential ...


4、It's pelting with rain outside,would you please wait a few minutes before going shopping?外面雨下得很大;你过一会儿再去买东西,好吗?5、Platonia or Bacuri is a large tree found in the rain forests of Brazil and Paraguay.普拉·托尼是一种生长于巴西和巴拉圭的热带雨林的大树...
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