



appertain 属於,与...有关apportion 分摊,分配appraise 鉴别,评价apprehend 逮捕,忧惧approbate 认可,赞成appropriate 拨(款),拨作(某目的)之用arouse 引起,激起arrange 处理,调解assail 攻击assault 攻击assemble 集合,聚集assent 同意,赞同assert 断言assimilate 同化,使类似,吸收associate 结交,联合assort 分类assortment...



怎么记住pertinent 这个词的意思。。求助。。谢谢

根据发音合成音节,per.ti .nent发音规则嘛!


附加 annihilate 消灭 annotate 评注,注解 announce 正式宣布 annul 取消,废止 apparatus 仪器 appeal 吸引力,恳求 appease 使平静,缓和 append 附加 appertain 属於,与...有关 apportion 分摊,分配 appraise 鉴别,评价 apprehend 逮捕,忧惧 approbate 认可,赞成 appropriate 拨(款),拨作(某目的)之用 ...


appertain 属於,与...有关 apportion 分摊,分配 appraise 鉴别,评价 apprehend 逮捕,忧惧 approbate 认可,赞成 appropriate 拨(款),拨作(某目的)之用 arouse 引起,激起 arrange 处理,调解 assail 攻击 assault 攻击 assemble 集合,聚集 assent 同意,赞同 assert 断言 assimilate 同化,使类似,吸收 associate 结交,...

英语词尾 词根

appertain 属於,与...有关apportion 分摊,分配appraise 鉴别,评价apprehend 逮捕,忧惧approbate 认可,赞成appropriate 拨(款),拨作(某目的)之用arouse 引起,激起arrange 处理,调解 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 hsuchihchun 2007-10-31 · TA获得超过175个赞 知道小有建树答主 ...

relate to和be related to有什么区别呢?

relate to和be related to意思不同,区别是:读音不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、读音不同 1、relate to 读音:英 [rɪˈleɪt tu] 美 [rɪˈleɪt tu]2、be related to 读音:英 [bi rɪˈleɪtɪd tu] 美 [bi r&#...


foundation、base和basis的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 foundation n. 根基;创建;基金(会)。base n. 底部;基地;基数;基线;(棒球)垒;[化]碱。vt. 以 ... 作基础。adj. 卑鄙的;不道德的。basis n. 基础;根据;基底。二、用法不同 foundation 作名词含有“基础...


While marketing is aimed at longer terms,sales pertain to shorter goals. Marketing involves a longer process of buildinga name for a brand and pursuing the customer to buy it even if they do not needit. Where as sales only involve a short term process of finding the target...


Frame Relay is a WAN protocol that has enjoyed a wide implementation since the late 1980s. Over the next few weeks, I will be writing newsletters that concentrate on Frame Relay topics as they pertain to the CCNA/CCNP exams. This week's article offers a basic introduction to ...
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