小刀会起义:1853年9月7日,活跃于广东和福建籍水手中间的秘密会社小刀会发动起义,占领上海县城,烧毁了上海县衙和海关等处,杀了上海知县,囚禁了上海道台。Dagger Society Uprising : September 7, 1853, which is active in Guangdong and Fujian sailors will be among the secret clubs knife staged an uprising ...
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7、Write to me the instant that you get the results.你一得到结果,就给我写信。8、At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness.在那一刻,博物馆陷入一片黑暗。9、Take instant order for it,my lord Hertford.马上传旨下去,赫德福勋爵。10、Cell phones provide instant ...
小刀会起义:1853年9月7日,活跃于广东和福建籍水手中间的秘密会社小刀会发动起义,占领上海县城,烧毁了上海县衙和海关等处,杀了上海知县,囚禁了上海道台。Dagger Society Uprising : September 7, 1853, which is active in Guangdong and Fujian sailors will be among the secret clubs knife staged an uprising ...