[5] Zhao HB,Chen FD*,Wang YF,et al.2008.Study on pollen viability,longevity and pistil receptivity of self-compatible chrysanthemum with small inflorescences.Acta Horticulturae,766 (3): 405-411(ISTP)[6]Liu Liqing,Zhu Kai,Yang Yanfang,JianWu,Chen Fadi,Yu Deyue.2008.Molecular cloning,...
high above the surface of the water care, there is Rosa xanthina, double valve, plena and re-sets and other flowers; colored white, pink, dark red, lavender or indirectly, such as changes in color; stamen majority; pistil from the Health and buried in mass inverted cone-shaped...
(3) 花蕊 [pistil(雌);stamen(雄)]。此酒乃以百花之蕤,万木之汁,加以麟髓凤乳酿成。--《红楼梦》(4)猪肉[pork]。蕤草花部首、豕及生所组成,《康熙字典》也有记载是猪肉的意思。[2]组词:1.葳蕤 [ wēi ruí ]1.草木茂盛,枝叶下垂的样子 2.委顿;委靡不振 霜蕤 [ shuāng ruí ]白...
pistil 雌蕊 ovary 子房 petal 花瓣 anther 花药 stamen 雄蕊 nectar gland 蜜腺 sepal 萼片 stalk 花柄 pollen 花粉 最早花语的起源是古希腊,但是那个时候不止是花,还有叶子、果树都有一定的含义。在希腊神话里记载过爱神出生时创造了玫瑰的故事,玫瑰从那个时代起就成为了爱情的代名词。 真正花语盛行是在法国皇室...
注释: 1.profitable adj.有益的,有用的 2.evolution n.[生]进化,进化论 3.intriguing adj.引起好奇心(或兴趣的),有迷惑力的 4.association n.友谊,伙伴关系 5.dwelling n.住处,住宅,寓所 6.accumulatevt.堆积,积聚 7.chambern.室,寝室 8.forage vi.搜寻 经过几百万年的进化,蚂蚁与多种不同植物形成了...