表示身体疲惫:1. Be beat, bushed, pooped, wiped, or zonked.身体累 2. take a catnap小憩片刻 3. dozing off / nodding off打瞌睡 4. hit the hay 、hit the sack去睡觉 5. sleep like a log 、sleep like a baby 睡得很熟,很安稳 6. is out like a light 睡得很死,不容易醒...
mouse is a small animal .many people hate mouse ,because mouse steal food from human .but ,in my opinion ,people do more experiment is use the mouse .If without mouse more experiment couldn't completed.so ,people can't improve so fast !so ,Don 't always catch mouse ,someti...
1S1E01Friendship Is Magic ,Part 1友谊的魔力(上)2S1E02Friendship Is Magic ,Part 2友谊的魔力(下)3S1E03The Ticket Master 我为票狂 4S1E04Applebuck Season 倔强嘉儿 5S1E05Griffon the Brush-Off 狮鹫受冷落 6S1E06Boast Busters 牛皮戳穿 7S1E07Dragonshy 害怕恐龙 8S1E08Look Before ...
16 Birthday Bash / Too Pooped to Puff 大闹生日会 / 小女警罢工 飞天小女警在她们的生日会上收到许多礼物,某些礼物却是反派们送来意图破坏这场聚会的。 / 飞天小女警受够了小镇村的居民凡事都依赖她们,这次她们决定让居民们自己解决问题。 17 Beat Your Greens / Down 'n Dirty 花椰菜外星人 / 毛毛臭臭 ...
Rockin'就等于Rocking,Rockin' Restaurant等于Rocking Restaurant,意思是摇滚餐厅。英文中一些字母后面右上角一撇,是英文中比较特殊的语言符号,这一撇,在英文中读作apostrophe (‘)。源自于希腊语apostrophos,意为转移、避开、省略,现普遍将其翻译为撇号、省字号、省略号或缩写号。对初学者来说,...
writing the letter, I went out.2. Having seen this movie twice, she doesn't want to go to the theater again.3. We went home exhausted.4. Being encouraged by the teacher, I am determined to study hard.5. Being invited to speak, I will start to prepare tomorrow....
第四季 S4E01:Princess Twilight Sparkle,Part1 S4E02:Princess Twilight Sparkle,Part2 S4E03:Castle Mane-ia S4E04:Daring Don't S4E05:Flight to the Finish S4E06:Power Ponies S4E07:Bats!S4E08:Rarity Takes Manehattan S4E09:Pinkie Apple Pie S4E10:Rainbow Falls S4E11:Three's A ...
Part 1S2E02:The Return of Harmony, Part 2S2E03:Lesson ZeroS2E04:Luna EclipsedS2E05:Sisterhooves SocialS2E06:The Cutie PoxS2E07:May the Best Pet Win!S2E08:The Mysterious Mare Do WellS2E09:Sweet and EliteS2E10:Secret of My ExcessS2E11:Family Appreciation DayS2E12:Baby Cakes...