



印刷英文为:print;printing out;black and white。print,英文单词,可用作名词、动词,译为印刷业、印章、打印、出版等。print作及物动词意思为:印,印刷:The book was printedon rough yellow paper.这本书用粗糙的黄纸印刷。出版,发行:Their dictionary was printedlast month.他们的字典已于上...


The mark of a man's shoe was clearly printed in the mud.一个男人的鞋印清楚地印在湿地上。打上(印记等):to print a flower design on cotton fabric 在棉织品上印花卉图案 印画;印字;印在(纸)上:They bought a new machine to print the posters.他们购置了新机器用来印海报。印刷...

printed in是什么意思

在英语中,printed in是一个短语,表示“印刷自”或“印刷于”的意思。它通常用于表示一本书、杂志或报纸的版权页,告诉读者该出版物是在哪里印刷的。印刷技术的发展使printed in这个短语变得更常见。现在,许多国家都有先进的印刷厂和印刷技术,使得印刷品可以更加高效地制作和分发给全球读者。因此,在...

printed circuit的意思

printed circuit 英 [ˌprɪntɪd ˈsɜːkɪt] 美 [ˌprɪntɪd ˈsɜːrkɪt]n.  印制电路 牛津词典 noun 印制电路a circuit for electricity that uses thin strips of metal instead of wires ...

It can be printed ___ .

【答案】:daily and weekly daily and weekly 解析:听懂听力材料中两处句子“In the big cities there are many types of papers with several different editions every day.”和“In some areas the paper is printed weekly.”并来结合问题“how often can the newspaper be printed?”来做。

雅思写作:Nobody will buy printed newspapers or books in the futu...

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?Sample Answer:It has been argued that in the future newspapers will no longer be ...


What are the types of advertising?Advertising can be categorized based on different attributes.(1) By medium of communication:1. Print advertising: Includes printed material ads and printed illustration ads. Printed material ads consist of newspaper ads, magazine ads, book ads, poster ...


印制电路板{Printed circuit boards},又称印刷电路板,是电子元器件电气连接的提供者。印制电路板多用“PCB”来表示,而不能称其为“PCB板”。它的发展已有100多年的历史了;它的设计主要是版图设计;采用电路板的主要优点是大大减少布线和装配的差错,提高了自动化水平和生产劳动率。按照线路板层数可...

如何用viusal basic抽随机数1-26,不可以重复

其中一个做法: Dim Printed() As Integer Dim tmp As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim BlnRepeat As Boolean ReDim Printed(0) Do While UBound(Printed) <> 26 VBA.Randomize tmp = Int(VBA.Rnd * 26 + 1) BlnRepeat = False For j = 1 To UBound(Printed) If ...
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