6. In general , I prefer to ___ .7. As far as I am concerned , I would like to prefer ___ .8. When it comes to ___ , most people tend to believe A . But others consider B as ___ .9. When asked about ___ , the vast majority of people would support that...
6.伪欺不可长,空虚不可久,朽木不可雕,情亡不可久。 --韩婴,汉朝诗论家 7.以信接人,天下信之;不以信接人,妻子疑之。 --畅泉,晋朝隐士 8.人无忠信,不可立于世。 --程颐,宋朝哲学家 9.多虚不如少实。 --陈甫,宋朝哲学家 10.以实待人,非唯益人,益己尤大。 --杨简,宋朝学者 11.诚实是人生...
也没顺服神的话语.3. 因为神所设立的敬拜秩序已被人的计划和新方法取代.4. 因为“一人事奉”(one-man ministry)是违背圣灵的意思, 拦阻他的运作.5. 因为“Reverend”(宗派所用的牧师称呼, 译者按)这称号是神的属性(divine attribute). 任何用此称号的人乃是傲慢僭越.6. 因为资助主...
proclaim 宣布 05-9 Unit 26. Wealthy Romans collected ___ of Greek statues and paintings. A recreations B enjoyments C reproductions D entertainments recreation 娱乐 enjoyment 自得其乐 entertainment 娱乐 7.If the ___ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.A sample B ...
6、我们做错事时,刘老师经常都能宽容我们。 7、我们不需要那么多的猜测,我们需要的是理解和和宽容,共同努力为了自己更是为了生活。奋进,坚强不息。我希望能成为你们的一份子和大家共同打造完美新天地! 8、人生就是选择,而放弃正是一门选择的艺术,是人生的必修课。没有果断的放弃,就没有辉煌的选择。与其苦苦挣扎...
至于耶稣所讲的义德,除前文所述,与天国等量齐观外,从人一方面说,可说等于全德,也即含有守法律之意;而且耶稣要人修的义德,远超过经师和法利塞人的义德,换言之,即要人不只着重表面的作为(玛23:25 27),而且动机要纯正,即出于爱天主,而不是为受人夸赞(玛5:20; 6:2 5)...
others believe___.4.Some may proclaim___.5.They mainlain such an idea because___.6.In contrast,the objectors think___.7.The argue that___.8.As far as I am concerned,I agree to___.9.First,___.10.Second,___.11.Last but least,___.12.In a word,___.问题解决...
句子是短语构成.相辅相成才能算考卷. 四舍五入的办法,舍单词入短语,记句子. 望采纳.1. opportunity2. motivation3. innovation4. strategy5. perseverance6. leadership7. authenticity8. adaptability9. diversity10. collaboration11. communication12. initiative13. diligence14. resourcefulness15. ...
an international holiday every October 9th for all people to reflect and celebrate together. Imagine, one by one, every country on Earth honoring John Lennon, a man who gave his life for spreading the message of peace and love.When .1% of humanity (6.4 million) sign this petit...