



3. Inference questions (推理题)4. Rhetorical purpose questions (修辞目的题)5. Vocabulary questions (词汇题)6. Reference questions (指代题)7. Sentence simplification questions (句子简化题)8. Insert text question (句子插入题)9. Prose summary (内容摘要题)10. Fill in a table (表格...

Language 什么意思?

语言是交际的工具。2. (国家、民族等的)语言文字[C]He can speak several languages.他会讲好几种语言。3. (使用文字以外的)表达方式;(动物的)表意方式[C][U]The deaf and mute communicate by sign language.聋哑人用手势交际。4. 语言风格[U]His prose is written in elegant language.他的...


许多好的散文有一个中心事件,以及烘托连带的一些与之有关的其它事件。如袁鹰的散文《井冈翠竹》,写井冈山的竹子做过武器杀伤敌人,做过竹筒盛粥,做过红军的扁担挑着中国革命从井冈山走到延安,走到北京。 新中国成立后,竹子又被派上了建设社会主义的新用场……事件多得让人应接不暇。 四、表达方式活 散文常用记...

wind 作动词,蜿蜒,英式音标、怎么写?请问

4. wind什么意思4. First of all, this paper establishes the simulation method for fluctuating wind with a multivariate normal distribution model and an autoregressive filter. On the basis of simulation results of the wind field, the time dispersion of the buffeting forces by turbulent wind is ...


Factual Information questions(否定事实信息题)3. Inference questions(推论题)4. Rhetorical Purpose questions(修辞目的题)5. Vocabulary questions(词汇题)6. Reference questions(指代题)7. Sentence Simplification questions(句子简化题)8. Insert Text question(句子插入题)9. Prose Summary...


《文明》(Civilization),又称《文明帝国》,由席德·梅尔在1991年为美国微文公司(Micro Prose)所创造出来的一款电脑游戏。这个游戏主要的目标在于在陆地上发展出一个伟大的帝国。本游戏自古代开始,玩家随世代演进尝试扩张及发展他/她的帝国,直到现代及离现在不远的未来时代。该游戏通常被视为回合制...


every chapter had been subjected to a rigorous, collaborative revision process where, in addition to incorporating comments from expert reviewers, each co-author reads and reviews the other authors' prose. The result is a truly integrated work with a single authorial voice.本书原名《Mol...


A Discussion on Some Problems about the Fourth Part of “Neijing” of Teaching Material“Medical Ancient Prose”(Shanghai Edition) 沪版《医古文》教材所选《内经》四则之四诸问题商榷 3. 庸医文言文翻译 有医者,自称善外科。以裨将阵回,中流矢,深入膜内,延使治,乃持剪剪去管,跪而请谢。裨将曰:...


“请说中文”:Please speak Chinese.单词解释:1、please 发音:英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]释义:int.请;vt.& vi.使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; 讨好 变形:过去式: pleased 过去分词: pleased 现在分词: pleasing 第三人称单数: pleases 2、speak 发音:英 [spi:k] 美 [spik]释义:vt...


在1954年以前的古代文言文的统称(一般不包括“骈文”),英文翻译为:prose written in the classical literary style; ancient style prose;ancient Chinese prose; (秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty。3. 子击谢罪文言文翻译 后来子击谢之的原因是出于惭愧。文言文子击谢罪...
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