


protect与save 区别

4. These gallant soldiers will protect our country.这些勇敢的士兵会保卫我们的国家的。save拯(挽)救,这是个应用很广泛的通用词,既可指对于眼前处于危险与威胁中人与事物提供的救助,也可指为了避免迫近的灾难采取的保护措施.1. The doctor managed to save his life.医生救了他的命。2.The brave...




vt. & vi.储蓄, 贮存 He has never saved.他从来不储蓄。节省 I am going to take the bus to save money.为了省钱, 我打算乘公共汽车去。n.(足球等)阻碍对方得分的动作, 救球 prep.&conj.除了 protect [prəˈtekt]vt.保护; 保卫 The troops were there to protect the townsp...


protect的近义词是keep...safe,因“protect”表示的是在事情发生前做措施,防护,与“keep...safe”一致;而“save”指的是事情发生后的一种救援动作。protect vt. 保护,防卫;警戒 keep...safe 让...安全(即保护,防卫)save prep. 除...之外 n. 救球,救援 vi. 节省;挽救;救球 vt. 节...


protect的近义词是“save”还是“keep...safe"?We should try our best to "protect" animals from hunting.A.hurt B.save C.keep...safe D.change 老师还没讲,先问问!~这是同义词互换哈!哪个是可以换掉“protect ”的?个人觉得是B/C。答:查《牛津双解》protect ~ sb/sth (against/...

请翻译一下 谢谢 Save是什么意思

save2[seIv]prep, conj(常与for连用)除…外All is lost save honor. 除荣誉外一切都丧失了。(亦作: saving)accumulate conserve economize gather keep maintain preserve protect recover redeem rescue reserve retrieve salvage scrimp store waste save[seiv]vt.救, 拯救, 挽救; 保全, 顾全; 保留节省, 节约...


saved这个单词的意思:adj. 获救的;已保存的 v. 救助;储蓄;节约;保留 (备用); 免去;存盘;扑救;收集;抢救;避免(save 的过去式和过去分词)[网络] 保存


③ protection of sea 【拓展】1.He decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea.他决定告诉人们保护海洋环境有多么得重要。2.Meanwhile, the Company carefully implements relative measures about the management of ballast water to protect the diversity of...

保护我们的地球 用英文怎么写

To protect our earth 词汇详解:protect 一、读音 英 [prəˈtekt] 美 [prəˈtekt]二、释义 v、保护;防护;(制定法律)保护;(通过征关税)保护(国内企业);实行贸易保护 三、语法 protect against attacks:保护…免遭袭击 ...


save 英 [seɪv] 美 [seɪv]救; 救助; 挽救; 拯救; 储蓄; 攒钱; 收集; 收藏; 救球; 除了; 除…外 例句 Whenever a natural disaster occurs, the armed forces are always in the forefront of efforts to protect the people's lives and save the state and people's ...
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