



n.泵;打气筒;轻软舞鞋;轻便帆布鞋(英式英语)vt.& vi.用抽水机汲水;给…打气;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;涌出 vt.用泵抽;注入,似用泵来拉、转或倒;抽水,从。。除去水;骑自行车的人上下蹬踏板 第三人称单数: pumps 复数: pumps 现在分词: pumping 过去式: pumped 过去分词: pumped ...


v.用泵抽送;用泵充气;涌出;涌流,奔流;泵激,激发(原子等);接连发射;灌输,注入;急速摇晃;快速上下(或内外)运动;<口>盘问;间歇地喷出 第三人称单数: pumps复数: pumps现在分词: pumping过去式: pumped过去分词: pumped 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送 to make water, air, gas, etc. flow ...


vt. 用泵抽; 注入,似用泵来拉、转或倒; 抽水,从。。除去水; 骑自行车的人上下蹬踏板;[例句]There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard 楼里没有水,只是在庭院里有个水泵。[其他] 第三人称单数:pumps 复数:pumps 现在分词:pumping过去式:pumped 过去分词...

inflatable pump是什么意思

n.泵; 打气筒; 轻软舞鞋; 轻便帆布鞋(英式英语);vt.& vi.用抽水机汲水; 给…打气; 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送; 涌出;vt.用泵抽; 注入,似用泵来拉、转或倒; 抽水,从。。除去水; 骑自行车的人上下蹬踏板;第三人称单数:pumps过去分词:pumped复数:pumps现在进行时:pumping过去式:pumped...


be tired [pumped] out 筋疲力尽be completely exhausted筋疲力竭;精疲力尽;筋疲力尽be dead tired筋疲力竭;倦得要命;精疲力尽;筋疲力尽be exhausted with toil筋疲力尽be used up筋疲力尽;筋疲力竭


pump 英音:[pʌmp]美音:[pʌmp]名词 n. [C]1.泵,唧筒 We have a pump for drawing water from the well.我们用一个水泵从井里抽水。2.一抽,一吸;抽吸[S]及物动词 vt.1.用唧筒抽(水等);用唧筒抽吸...中的水等[O]The fire-brigade pumped water out of the flooded ...


4、Through this high pressure line, mud is pumped in to the standpipe and drill pipe.通过这根高压管线,泥浆被泵入立管和钻忏杆。5、Before drill pipe wipes are installed, a tie-back rubber can be used to wipe the pipe. 在装钻杆刮泥器之前,可以先用简易的刮泥器刮钻杆上的泥浆...

pump materials是什么意思

pump1 名词 n. [C]1.泵,唧筒 We have a pump for drawing water from the well.我们用一个水泵从井里抽水。2.一抽,一吸;抽吸[S]及物动词 vt.1.用唧筒抽(水等);用唧筒抽吸...中的水等[O]The fire-brigade pumped water out of the flooded house.消防队将水从被淹的房子里抽出去。2...


The jacket/suit is specially made. It's made of very strong material which ensures no air leaking when pumped up. In order to facilitate the procedure of the pumping, we provide a handy pump as a special attachment with each jacket/suit. The pump is powered with 2 AA-...
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