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问题一:穿靴子的猫出自哪里 一开始是童话故事里的,后来动漫衍生出来好多版本,不知道你问的是哪个 问题二:《Puss in Boots》(《穿靴子的猫》)中的主角(就是那只穿靴子的猫)的名字是什么? 哈哈,他就叫Puss in Boots~简称Puss亦可~请采纳!问题三:穿靴子的猫1中“别因为我停下来”这...


2.Puss N Boats 行船猫 7:05 3.That's my mommy 我的好妈咪 13:19 4.Down Beat Bear 会跳舞的熊 19:23 5.Surf-Bored Cat 冲浪的猫 26:00 6.Triplet Trouble 三只小猫 32:18 7.Mucho Mouse 神奇的老鼠 39:27 8.The Flying Cat 飞行猫 46:32 9.The Bodyguard 保镖 53:17 10.The...

求一篇英文影评《穿靴子的猫》 不少于100字。非常感谢!!!

This film is about a cat and an egg, who have been childhood friends, working together to find the golden goose to repay the town what they robbed years ago."Puss in Boots" is an adventure filled with fun and action. It has cute characters and colourful animation for children...


《穿靴子的猫》(Puss in Boots)是梦工厂《怪物史瑞克》续片,大放异彩的配角“靴猫剑客”成为主角,电影巧妙结合了《杰克与魔豆》《贼公贼婆杰克与吉尔》《矮蛋先生》三个在欧洲家喻户晓的童话故事,让靴猫Puss和他的好朋友Humpty Dumpty一起上演了一幕荡气回肠、悲喜参半的西部故事。thunder://Q...


我走到了一个人生的十字路口 I found myself at a crossroads.我注定要成为亡命之徒 还是英雄?Was I destined to be an outlaw... or a hero?我不得而知 I did not know.我只能确定一件事 Only one thing was certain.我是剑客靴猫 I am Puss In Boots!你是剑客靴猫吗 Are you Puss...


Puss like a soft white nigga 像一个柔软的白色的黑人 Dog is a dog blood's thicker than water 狗是狗,血浓于水 We done been through the mud 我们已经穿过了泥淖 And we quicker to slaughter 我们将更快地杀戮 The bigger the order 我们带来的越多 The more guns we brought out 事情闹得越大 ...



英语电影的观后感(用英语表述)词数100左右!急~ 电影如下↓

Puss in Boots Years before meeting Shrek and Donkey, the adorable but tricky Puss in Boots must clear his name from all charges making him a wanted fugitive. While trying to steal magic beans from the infamous criminals Jack and Jill, the hero crosses paths with his female match...


12.Puss N' Toots 猫儿心上人 [1:23:37] 13.The bowling alley-cat 保龄球馆里的猫 [1:31:03] 14.Is there a doctor in the mouse 老鼠里有医生吗 [1:39:16] 15.Yankee doodle mouse 疯狂的美国老鼠 [1:46:14] CD5 1.Fine feathered friend 漂亮羽毛的朋友 [0:11] 2.Sufferin' Cats 受罪...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
