
put out,put away,put up,put off分别是什么意思


put out什么意思

put out的意思是:vt. 熄灭;用;发表;促销生产;激怒 vi. 出发;努力 详细解释:用作及物动词(vt.)1,The government put out a warning against flood.政府发出了预防水灾的警告。2,Far water does not put out near fire.[谚]远水救不了近火。3,A gale warning has just been put out...

谁能整理一下put与on /off/up/done的区别

put on 1.上演,演出 She took off the old dress and put on a new one.她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。2.穿上,戴上 3.假装;夸大 put off 1.推迟;拖延 Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today.今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。put off doing sth.put up 1.建造 They...

put on,put off,put up的意思与区别

put on解释为上演或者穿上,例如put on a short play和put on the coat put off解释为延期,取消,如this meeting was put off because of the bad weather put up解释为张贴,比如贴春联 再赠送一个put out,扑灭,

put up,put off ,put on的区别

(2)I'm not going to be put off with that excuse.我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的.(3)Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.离开这所房子时,请你把所有的灯都关上.三、put up 1、释义:vt.举起; 张贴; 建造; 提高 vi.提供食宿; 直接行动 2、双语例句:(1)...

...顺便说说中文意思,像put up 、 put away这种,再顺便说说中文意思...

He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。撇开;置之不理;把…放在一边 The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。put away 储存(钱);储存…备用;储蓄 (= put...

put up的三种含义

动词短语“put up”有“建造,修建”和“力争,拼尽全力”的意思,还可以表示“为某人提供住宿”。“Put up”可以用来表达“建造”。在使用时,宾语可放在“put up”的后面,或是“put”和“up”之间。例句:Tim's just put a new shed up in his garden.蒂姆刚刚在他的花园里盖了一个新棚。...

put away ,put out ,put down , put in:的区别

put away\ 把(某物)放在合适的地方;把(某物)藏在合适的地方 put or store (sth. in its proper place)[例句]Put your books away.把你的书收好。Your toys are scattered over the room. Please put them away.你的玩具满屋乱放,请把它们放回原处。put in:(1) 使加入;使进入;加...

put down和put away是什么意思?

1 put down降落,着陆。 2 put sb down,使出丑 3 put sth down,1 放下, 写下 3下定金, 4镇压,平定 5 使婴儿入睡 6 将方案提起审议 8 put sb away , 把送入监狱 9 put sth away ,将--收起,放好。

put sb off 是什么意思呀

put sb off的意思是:找借口搪塞某人;使某人失去…的兴趣 相关短语:1、put into practice 实行,实施;落实 2、put into operation 使生效;使运转,使开动 3、put into production 把…投入生产 4、put into use 使用,应用;投入使用 5、put away 放好;抛弃;储存 ...

put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别

put off,put back,put over的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.put off意思:推迟,拖延,敷衍,搪塞,使反感,使失去兴趣,使分心,搅扰。2.put back意思:拖延,推迟。3.put over意思:描述出,解释清楚。二、用法不同 1.put off用法:defer的基本意思是指使行动、活动...
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