
put up doing


put up 的用法

put up doing sth.

put up有什么用法呢?

“Put up”可以用来表达“建造”。在使用时,宾语可放在“put up”的后面,或是“put”和“up”之间。例句:Tim's just put a new shed up in his garden.蒂姆刚刚在他的花园里盖了一个新棚。“Put up”可以用来...

put up sth+doing吗

put up doing推辞做某事

有没有put up doing sth?

put up with 意为“容忍,忍受”。后面一般接sb. 或者sth.e.g. I can't put up with him any more.He should put up with so heavy luggage.希望能解决您的问题。

put up的三种含义

put up有举起、放下、提供这三个意思。除此之外,put up还有抬起、进行、表现出、建造、提名、推举、拒绝、镇压、羞辱、削减、记下、制止、取缔、搭起、张贴、挂起、支付等诸多含义。

put up的用法及短语

put up的用法及短语如下:用法:1、(put up sth)(在战斗_比赛等中)进行(抵抗_斗争等)。2、(put sb up)向某人提供食宿;提名某人为候选人。3、(put sth up)升起或举起某物;建造或设立某物;把某物固定或紧固...

put up with doing还是to do

put up with 后面接doing。put up with 意为“容忍,忍受”。后面一般接sb. 或者sth.e.g. I can't put up with him any more.He should put up with so heavy luggage.英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但...

put out,put away,put up,put off分别是什么意思

put out的意思:熄灭、伸出、出版、使不方便、打扰;put away的意思:收起来;put up:建造、搭起;put off:推迟。1、put out的读音:英 [pʊt aʊt],美 [pʊt aʊt]。2、用法:put ...

Put up 译为汉语

put up英语翻译成中文:1.(put up sth)(在战斗﹑ 比赛等中)进行(抵抗﹑ 斗争等)2.(put sb up)向某人提供食宿;提名某人为候选人 3.(put sth up)升起或举起某物;建造或设立某物;把某物固定或紧固於某处俾...


一、put的短语:1、put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 2、put into 使进入;把...放进;在……上种植 3、put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿 4、put together ..放在一起;组合;装配 5、...
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