adj. 感到迷惑的 \x0d\x0a After hearing the news, hte man felt confused. \x0d\x0aconfusing adj. 令人迷惑的 \x0d\x0a The film is so confusing that I can't understand it. \x0d\x0aconfusion n. 迷团,令人迷惑的事情 \x0d\x0a Her confusion was also mine....
rural, pursue, career, drug, deepen, cocaine, utter, pulse, unlock, responsibly, nightmare, normal, couch, horrible, illusion, devil, repeatedly, curl, extremely,confusion, perform, scan, harmless, motivation, sanity Passage B: warrior, millimeter, pistol, agent, detective, anti-drug...
puzzle是迷惑的意思。一、读音:英[ˈpʌzl];美[ˈpʌzl]二、含义:1、作动词时意为“迷惑,(使)困惑;(因迷惑)而苦思;使……为难”;2、作名词时意为“谜,智力游戏;拼版玩具;不解之谜;谜一样的人或事物”。三、短语搭配 Chinese puzzle:难答之事 ; 中国...
why do you look so confused?be confused 感到困惑的
困扰 perplex ; puzzle 为…所困扰 be puzzled by 被忧虑困扰 fall a prey to anxiety 我为疑虑所困扰。I was assailed by doubts 难以名状的恐惧困扰着他。He was troubled by nameless fears.
• be sure of 对、、、有把握• be sure that确保、务必做到confusion 混淆(不可数)• If you write more clearly,you’ll prevent the confusion of the readers.• 如果你写得清楚些,你的读者不会搞混淆。• There has been some confusion of names (名字上弄混了);it was Mr Smyth who was...
2. He looked at me in blank amazement.他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。3. My glazed eye wandered over the dim and misty landscape.我的迟钝的眼睛扫视着朦胧迷茫的景色。4. The old woman looked at him in confusion.老妇人用迷茫的目光打量着他。5. He stopped to glance over the misty ...
I have some confusion。confuse是动词 应当改为confusion 一般情况不可数,少数特指的时候可数 或者说 I'm a little confused.扩展:be in left with puzzlement.等等都是有些困惑的意思。英语,属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、...
对给你带来的困惑,抱歉了。To bring you the confusion, sorry.