



9. He regarded them as intellectual pygmies. 他把他们视为知识上的侏儒。 10. They seem to have written him down as a fool. 他们好像把他视为笨蛋了. 11. They dote on their daughter. 他们把女儿视为掌上明珠. 12. I look upon them as my compatriots. 我把他们都视为同胞. 13. The Indians...


曲目原声集资料the good lifeleaning on a lamp post flim flampool lightsichi-ni-sanpygmies!matchstick mancharmaineweird is goodroy's ruleslonely bullcarpeteriaticks&twichesshame on youi have a daughter?tuna fish and cigarettesswedish rhapsodyno more pillskeep the changetijuana taxinosy ...




会这么说,是因为像俾格米人(Pygmies)那样的狩猎采集民族,父亲并不太参与抚养孩子,只会远远地看着母子的样子,说起来是比较接近黑猩猩的情况。 在狩猎采集生活中,只有母子一起生活并不会有太大的问题:但是到了农耕生活,所环绕的是高度组织化的社会合作,或蓄积了财富的集团之间组织性的战斗,使得学会符合社会规范或...


一些美国人把牛津视为知识分子的乐园。She's very intellectual.她很聪慧。As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment.作为一个孩子,她渴望吸取知识的养分。He's an intellectual lightweight.他是个智力平庸的人。He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.他把他们视为知识上的侏儒。


He lives in the damp blackness of vast forest, as the pygmies of Africa do to this every day.我们简化结构——“He lives in the blackness,as the pygmies do.”可以看见,to this的确是多余的,并且是一个病句,因为do代表的是live,而live通常只接同源宾语life。或者说“He lives in ...




世界自然基金会:World Wide Fund For Nature(WWF)WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:1,conserving the world's biological diversity 2,ensuring that the use of renewable ...


of the King of the Mountains of the Moon, who is as black as ebony, and worships a large crystal; of the great green snake that sleeps in a palm-tree, and has twenty priests to feed it with honey-cakes; and of the pygmies who sail over a big lake on large flat leaves, and are...

急求一篇大学英语口语比赛演讲稿,题目为Mind and Hand.谢谢

One of the most notable examples of this study of cultural music to make theories about the history and ponents of a specific culture, is the research of Colin Macmillan Turnbull, the famous British-American anthropologists, whose popular work about the Mbuti Pygmies of Zaire spotlights ethnomusi...
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