
quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perf...


quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perf...



"Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. I made breakfast for my family. I performed my chores. I completed my projects. I ran my errands. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life. Until it gleamed with pe...

it gleamed with perfection 语法怎样理解

gleamed with :露出例句:1.His eyes gleamed with relief and joy.他两眼露出宽慰和喜悦的光芒。2.His eyes gleamed with greed.他露出贪婪的目光。3.In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day - quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.事实上,这一天和...


I spent the day as I spend every other day - quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used.




这一天和其他的每一天一样我都是安静地度过的(擦拭着生活的每一步直到它闪烁着完美)Polish 擦亮;使光滑 routine 惯例 gleam 使闪烁 perfection 完美


事实上,我每天做的事情皆如此(我花费一天中的事情和其他天一样)——平静地擦亮生活中的点滴直到它发出完美的光芒/色泽。polish sth gleamed 这是个很常见的用法,如果按照所谓语法这话说的也许并不完美。但中文说“点亮我的生活”,“生活”不是易燃物又怎可点燃?这里只不过用一种比喻的手法来表达...


与…有关系:have…to do with | related to 与…无关系:have nothing to do with | have 国与国关系:State-to-state relation 与本人关系:Relationship with the Patient 存在 [cún zài]to exist|to be 存在:Being | Sein | exist 存在于:consist in | indwell | subsistit in 存在性...
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