



5、The wind rasped his face.(寒风刺疼了他的脸。)6、His face burned with shame.(他的脸因羞愧而发烫。)7、She scanned his face anxiously.(她急切地端详着他的脸。)8、She refuses to face reality.(她不肯面对现实。)


n.锁;车锁;(机器部件等的)锁定;前轮转向角度;船闸;一缕头发;(并列争球的)第二排前锋;(对某物的)完全控制;(摔跤及武术用语)抱,夹;(交通) 堵塞;完全转向;枪栓;毛撮。lock造句:1、The key rasped in the lock and the door swung open.(钥匙在锁孔里发出刺耳的刮擦声,...

用Where did...造句

6、"Where did you put it?" he rasped.“你把它放在哪儿了?”他尖声地问。7、Where did you meet him?你在哪里见到他的?8、Where did you first meet your husband?你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的?9、Where did you put my new CD?你把我的新光盘放在哪里?10、Where did you come ...

请电脑高手帮我看看电脑蓝屏 代码

ed5df000 2e0(0 kb的)4a0(1 KB)的9月25日14时35分33秒audstub.sys星期六1999年 ed370000 33e0(12 kb的),A40公路(2 kb的)raspti.sys周五10月8日16时45分10秒1999 ed0c0000 c5e0(49 kb的)20e0(8 KB的)parallel.sys周五10月22日十八点00分54秒1999 ed5e0000 580(1 KB...


4、You need some specialist advice.(你需要咨询专业人士。)5、some smallish firms may close.(一些比较小的公司可能会关闭。)6、I picked some flowers.(我摘了一些花。)7、some builders guarantee their work.(一些建筑商为他们的工作担保。)8、He rasped out some instructions.(他粗声粗气地...


链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/9db8ed37aafa 来源:简书 着作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。B. 想制作一个u盘,插电脑上开机进这个U盘的系统直接玩模拟器游戏 网络 凤凰系统 是一个安卓x86平台 下载下来后运行安装程序 选择安装到U盘 或者硬盘 建议安装到硬盘...


After the ends are properly fitted, the center sections are removed, cut to their proper lengths, and rasped or sanded for smoothness. The end sections are then refitted. They will overlap the center sections and must be trimmed to mate with the ends of the center sections. Also, the ...


18 Every time the ship's loudspeaker rasped, "Attention! Mail call!" two hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up on deck and clustered about the two seamen, standing by those precious bulging gray sacks. They were alternately pulling out fistfuls of letters and barking successive names of sailo...
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