1. "Don't Cry" by Guns N' Roses was the first rock song I took seriously. It has moved millions to tears. It always touches the softest part of my heart, making me feel a painful heartache and my eyes turning red, yet no tears fall. Every time I listen to it, I fe...
f2.. = f note played for a half plus a quarter plus an eighth f note 播放一个 2 分之一 加 4 分之一 加 8现在, 回到上面第一个 pulse wave channel (A) 的实例程序在 上 , 注意此 sequence ( 序列 )将只播放一次 。可以用括号使全部 sequence 或一小部分循环 , 括号后为循环次数 。表示在...
1. Janet Jackson's "Doesn't Really Matter" was purchased along with her album "All For You," which featured the hit song "Together Again." Since then, her sound, filled with lightness and bounce, has been captivating. The lyrics are adorably charming.2. Boyzone's "No Matter...
1. "Don't Cry" by Guns N' Roses - This song was the first rock music I listened to seriously, and it has moved millions to tears. It always touches the softest part of my heart, making my heart ache and my eyes redden, but no tears come out. Every time I listen to...